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Blender for Laser Cutting #33

Open nelsonic opened 3 years ago

nelsonic commented 3 years ago

In light of AutoDesk changing the licensing of Fusion360 #32 I feel like I probably just need to byte the bullet and switch to Blender.

How To Design & Export A Laser Cutting File From Blender 2.83 | Tutorial |(Blender To Laser Cutter) image https://youtu.be/mDddxy3Hqzc

nelsonic commented 3 years ago

As my evening mini-project today, I'm going to try and cut the box in the tutorial out of 5mm plywood.

I've watched through the 20 min video (above) once and it looks straightforward enough. 🙌 Going to download Blender on Windows Machine https://www.blender.org/download and try to follow it step-by-step for the next couple of hours.

@iteles if you're interested in following along with the basics it might be relevant for @home 💭

nelsonic commented 3 years ago

Yesterday I spent 2 hours following the Blender for Laser Cutting tutorial: blender-tutorial

Despite 3 attempts from scratch I was unable to get the ctrl+shift+- (control shift "numpad minus") which should apply the Boolean "Delete Intersection" Modifier ... it simply didn't work! Only half the tabs were deleted and after more than an hour of googling, reading forum threads and watching additional videos I ran out of energy (1am) and went to bed.

My next step is to either spend more time in Blender, or switch to FreeCAD https://www.freecadweb.org 💭