dxdc / homebridge-blinds

:sunrise: Homebridge Plugin to control my blinds over HTTP
ISC License
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Plugin slows down homebridge if destination is unreachable #84

Open Zer0x00 opened 6 months ago

Zer0x00 commented 6 months ago

Issue Summary: A blinds control unit in my setup is temporarily malfunctioning and has become unreachable. This issue is causing a significant slowdown in the entire Homebridge system, rather than just triggering periodic warnings.

Detailed Description:

- Current Behavior: When one of the blinds control units fails, instead of generating a warning at regular intervals, it is noticeably slowing down the entire Homebridge system. - Expected Behavior: The system should handle the unreachable unit by issuing warnings without impacting overall performance. - Workaround Mentioned: While using child bridges is a suggested workaround, it should not be a necessary step for handling such issues.

Attached Logs: Below are the logs from the malfunctioning blinds control unit for further diagnosis.

[28/12/2023, 12:21:31] [Blind1] Error sending request (HTTP status code not defined): Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH
[28/12/2023, 12:21:31] [Blind1] undefined attempt(s) failed after 14694 ms
[28/12/2023, 12:21:31] [Blind1] Body: undefined
[28/12/2023, 12:21:31] [Blind1] setCurrentPositionByUrl failed; invalid response (should be 0-100): (missing or error)
[28/12/2023, 12:21:37] [Blind1] Error sending request (HTTP status code not defined): Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH
[28/12/2023, 12:21:37] [Blind1] undefined attempt(s) failed after 13110 ms
[28/12/2023, 12:21:37] [Blind1] Body: undefined
[28/12/2023, 12:21:37] [Blind1] setCurrentPositionByUrl failed; invalid response (should be 0-100): (missing or error)
[28/12/2023, 12:21:46] [Blind1] Error sending request (HTTP status code not defined): Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH
[28/12/2023, 12:21:46] [Blind1] undefined attempt(s) failed after 15294 ms
[28/12/2023, 12:21:46] [Blind1] Body: undefined
[28/12/2023, 12:21:46] [Blind1] setCurrentPositionByUrl failed; invalid response (should be 0-100): (missing or error)
[28/12/2023, 12:21:59] [Blind1] Error sending request (HTTP status code not defined): Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH
[28/12/2023, 12:21:59] [Blind1] undefined attempt(s) failed after 12775 ms
[28/12/2023, 12:21:59] [Blind1] Body: undefined
[28/12/2023, 12:21:59] [Blind1] setCurrentPositionByUrl failed; invalid response (should be 0-100): (missing or error)
[28/12/2023, 12:22:00] [homebridge-blinds] This plugin slows down Homebridge. The read handler for the characteristic 'Current Position' was slow to respond! See https://homebridge.io/w/JtMGR for more info.
[28/12/2023, 12:22:06] [homebridge-blinds] This plugin slows down Homebridge. The read handler for the characteristic 'Current Position' didn't respond at all!. Please check that you properly call the callback! See https://homebridge.io/w/JtMGR for more info.
dxdc commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure that other plugins gracefully handle this situation. PRs are welcome to specifically handle network connection issues.

For the moment, you can disable retries by setting maxAttempts to 1 or just disable this blind until you have your network issues fixed.

dxdc commented 6 months ago

You can also try setting the timeout parameter to something shorter, or tuning other settings for the requests / requestsretry packages. But, I'm not sure if this will work for EHOSTUNREACH. Those plugins consume the HTTP parameters.

    "up_url": {
        "url": "",
        "body": "{}",
        "headers": {
            "API-Token": "aaabbbcccddd"
        "method": "PUT",
        "maxAttempts": 5,
        "timeout": 1000,
        "retryDelay": 2000,
        "time": true
Zer0x00 commented 6 months ago

It isn't a major problem for me, I just removed the accessory for the time being.

Just wanted to notify you. Feel free to close it if fixing it would take too much time.

dxdc commented 6 months ago

What you describe is a general problem with HTTP connections where the network request times out, and I'm not sure other plugins handle this situation gracefully either. For example, the popular homebridge-http-switch which relies on homebridge-http-base appears like it would have the same problem, but I haven't tested it personally.

One option of course would be to internally disable the plugin for some amount of time if this error occurred, but I can see cases where people may not find that desirable.

Can you try the timeout setting I mentioned on your end? If you have a different proposal to implement this, I'm open to hearing about it, but since it's definitely not a general problem for most users (rather, a situation with your/intermittent network connectivity) I'm not sure when I would be able to get around to investigating it.

Zer0x00 commented 6 months ago

I tried the timeoutsetting but unfortunately it didn't have any effects.