dxos-deprecated / echo

Eventually Consistent Hierarchical Objects Database
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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New Database API #68

Open richburdon opened 4 years ago

richburdon commented 4 years ago

Next steps: https://github.com/dxos/echo/pull/67

Stage 1

API: createPartyStream is a specialized method (not part of FeedStore) that returns an upstream stream that can be piped to the itemDemuxer. It is provided with a functor that present candidate messages, the current set of feed keys, the current anchor (vector clock timestamp) and a callback that advances to the next message -- and optionally updates the set of feedKeys and/or the anchor point. The anchor point allows the stream to skip ahead to a specific position.

const feedStore = new FeedStore();
const feedKeys = [feed1];
const anchor = null;

const partyStream = createPartyStream(feedStore, (messages, feedKeys, anchor, callback) => {
  let [message, feedKey] = containsAdmit(messages);
  if (message) {
    callback(message, [feedKey, ...feedKeys]);
  } else {
    message = chance.pickone(messages);
    callback(message, feedKeys, anchor);
}, feedKeys, anchor);


Stage 2

Iterator Spec:

Stage 3

Stage 4



tinchoz49 commented 4 years ago


FeedStore bug (cannot re-open feedstore)

Is there a failing test to check this? because this works:

const { FeedStore } = require('@dxos/feed-store');

(async () => {
  const fs = new FeedStore('db')

  await fs.open()
  console.log(fs.opened) // true

  await fs.close()
  console.log(fs.opened) // false

  await fs.open()
  console.log(fs.opened) // true

and cannot create a second feedstore object with same directory.

It's not possible to create a second feedstore in the same directory like is not possible to create a second hypercore in the same file.

richburdon commented 4 years ago

@tinchoz49 yes: https://github.com/dxos/echo/blob/master/packages/echo-experimental/src/database.test.ts#L124

tinchoz49 commented 4 years ago

Fixed bug in database.test.ts: https://github.com/dxos/echo/pull/70


dboreham commented 4 years ago

Message stream ordered by timestamp:

Given a feed set Fn, comprising messages replicated from other nodes, a reader having access to only the "head" message from each feed corresponding to the reader's feed sequence vector with the job of producing a totally ordered output message stream:

Conjecture - for any previous message M1 read from feed Fx having timestamp T1, the next message in timestamp total order will be identifiable from (only) the set of feed head messages, or it will not exist (currently on this node) and reading must pause until it is available.

Proof - intuitively this seems correct because every message Mx read from a feed must necessarily have a higher timestamp than message Mx-1 read from the same feed. Therefore if a head message from any feed isn't the next message in order with respect to some previous message, then subsequent messages on that same feed can't possibly be the next message (because they came after it). Therefore the message we are looking for must either be one of the head messages, or it hasn't been received yet.

richburdon commented 4 years ago

Merged https://github.com/dxos/echo/pull/81

First cut at DB API.



richburdon commented 4 years ago

Working prototype: https://github.com/dxos/echo/pull/87