dxos / dxos

TypeScript implementation of the DXOS protocols, SDK, and toolchain.
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[authoring] copy as HTML #6650

Open zhenyasav opened 2 weeks ago

zhenyasav commented 2 weeks ago

copying content from composer to other rich text tools requires we learn how to copy in final HTML/rich text format. e.g. for copying from composer to a ghost editor for example.

This feature should be in addition to the regular plain/markdown text way of copying.

jessmartin commented 2 weeks ago

+1 for this. I installed a plugin in Obsidian in order to make this faster for me. It was also one of my favorite features of the Bear markdown editor.

It really makes copying to Ghost or a Google Doc (an inevitable reality of collaborating and publishing) much more consistent and reliable.

(not sure it counts as a bug though?)