dxw-wordpress-plugins / mirror-wordpress-plugins

Mirrors WordPress.org plugins to GitHub as versioned repos for use by Whippet
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Several repositories have no tags #20

Open snim2 opened 3 months ago

snim2 commented 3 months ago

55 repositories have no tags (plus this repository), although at least some have tags in the equivalent GitLab repository (I haven't checked them all).

Some of these are our own plugins, which may not need to be in the library (since we usually deploy from the source repository).

One plugin is likely to be misnamed and should be deleted here and on GitLab.

  1. divi-logo-manager <-- has a tag on GitLab
  2. divi-disable-premade-layouts
  3. dg-divi-carousel
  4. pdf-embedder-premium
  5. divi-overlays
  6. creare-eu-cookie-law-banner <-- has a tag on GitLab
  7. 404-error-logger
  8. dxw-private-by-default
  9. editorial-ordering
  10. additional-versions
  11. analyse
  12. append
  13. attach
  14. automessage
  15. bp-group-calendar
  16. bp-password-strength
  17. bp-related-posts
  18. cforms
  19. cforms-tests
  20. consult
  21. dxw-bbpress
  22. email-domain-wildcards
  23. email-notification
  24. form-manager
  25. fuzzy-ago
  26. google-analytics-premium
  27. no-write
  28. qa
  29. ratings-widget
  30. recent-posts-custom
  31. search-excerpt
  32. share-and-follow
  33. sharebox
  34. the-event-calendar <-- misnamed? the-events-calendar has 265 tags
  35. use-s3
  36. whitelist-invalidating-invites
  37. wordpress-chat
  38. wp-category-singles
  39. wp-ideastream
  40. x-recent-posts
  41. xcloud
  42. xnotes
  43. xpublish
  44. yet-another-related-posts
  45. you-can-javascript
  46. multisite-content-copier
  47. xsec
  48. wpcli-whippet
  49. elasticpress-media-library-embargo
  50. dxw-virus-scanner
  51. bnfw-update-reminder
  52. ht-email-override
  53. ht-stop-form-entries
  54. jl-form-theme
  55. hd-tweaks
RobjS commented 3 months ago

I suspect the repos that have tags on GitLab may have only been tagged there after the initial mirroring to GitHub took place. The mirroring process from GitLab assumes the repos are in sync if they have the same HEAD commit on master, so won't pick up any new tag info if that's the case (unless a force update is run).

snim2 commented 3 months ago

dxw plugins:

Third-party plugins that require further action:

dxw plugins that require further action:

RobjS commented 3 months ago

Any dxw-authored plugins that we want to keep I think should live in the main dxw GitHub org.