dxw / whippet-server

Whippet Server launches a stand-alone web server for a specific WordPress installation. It makes WordPress easier to develop with, for example, by adding lots of debug information to the terminal without cluttering up or breaking your templates.
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Make a distinction between the interface/port to listen on and the hostname/port WP is aware of #20

Closed mallorydxw closed 10 years ago

mallorydxw commented 12 years ago

Let's say I have a reverse-proxy set up to forward requests to port 80 to port 8000 which prevents the need to run whippet as root. Whippet doesn't understand the difference between listening on a port and that port being the canonical port.

I suggest switching -i localhost -p 8000 to -l/--listen localhost:8000 and adding --siteurl http://whippet.ayumu (which reflects the WP_SITEURL/WP_HOME options, and allows the use of HTTPS reverse-proxies).

Note: as well as WP_SITEURL/WP_HOME, also need to set DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE in MS section.