dxw / whippet-server

Whippet Server launches a stand-alone web server for a specific WordPress installation. It makes WordPress easier to develop with, for example, by adding lots of debug information to the terminal without cluttering up or breaking your templates.
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WP Download script keeps going when steps fail #37

Open magdamaciaszczyk opened 9 years ago

magdamaciaszczyk commented 9 years ago

After failing to execute wget the script continues.

dgmstuart commented 9 years ago

Magda didn't have wget installed, so the step where the script tries to fetch the WP files fails. Rather than terminating at that point, the script continued to execute, resulting in confusing error messages which obscured the real issue.

The script should terminate if any of the steps fail, and should ideally check that wget is installed before running the script, or use a utility which is most likely to be installed by default.