dyelax / Adversarial_Video_Generation

A TensorFlow Implementation of "Deep Multi-Scale Video Prediction Beyond Mean Square Error" by Mathieu, Couprie & LeCun.
MIT License
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GLARING bug with the process data pipeline. #35

Open MadcowD opened 4 years ago

MadcowD commented 4 years ago

Hey all! There is a glaring bug with the data_proccess pipeline.

Currently, for each clip, the video generator sorts the data by filename ep_frame_paths = (glob(os.path.join(ep_dir, '*'))). If your files are written as


and N > 10 this will interlace earlier frames of the data into the clips used for training. With a large history window this adds some robustness to the model, but it really invalidates the modeling assumption!

Sortiing by the last integer fixes this (change line 80 to this)

ep_frame_paths = sorted(glob(os.path.join(ep_dir, '*')), key=lambda x: int(x.split("frame")[-1].split(".png")[0]))