dyhli / bot-tf-issues

Issue tracker for Bot.tf
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Automatically close trades on a specific buy / sell difference. #77

Open Dormeo opened 5 years ago

Dormeo commented 5 years ago


We need a function that the bot would hide or close the transaction if the difference in the sell / buy is too small (tuned by the owner).

How would you like the requested enhancement to be implemented

For example, the autopricer identified 42 / 42.33 ref or 8/8.05 key and then closed it and warned the owner about it.

Why would you like to see the requested enhancement in Bot.tf

What is the point of keeping an item if the difference is only 1 rec or scrap, because they can be realized in another more profitable direction, and an item that has the difference itself has to be manually sold to another bot. I'm sure I'm not the only one)

spaceboy909 commented 5 years ago

Totally agree. I had basically the same idea but hadn't posted it yet.

This has been a major hassle for me, having to constantly check margins, then delisting low margin items, and if in stock, withdrawing the item and manually selling off to a bot, and then checking previously delisted items to see if the margin has returned, and relisting them. It can be epic work, and I still have a long way to go as far as adding new listings to my business, so the work will only get more tedious.