dyindude / ubuntu-zfs

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alternative LUKS key locations #32

Closed dyindude closed 4 years ago

dyindude commented 6 years ago
dyindude commented 6 years ago

now that I have real hardware running this, this is a real-er issue for me. have a few thoughts on how I want to approach this, probably use multiple variants in tandem

dyindude commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/gasparch/ubuntu-luks-autounlock has some examples we could pull from

dyindude commented 6 years ago

https://askubuntu.com/questions/101801/set-up-eth0-network-interface-using-dhcp-in-initramfs example of bringing up networking in initrd

dyindude commented 6 years ago

https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto example here on how the ip= parameter could be configured for a static ip

dyindude commented 6 years ago

https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/71754/how-can-i-force-a-ubuntu-kernel-to-fail-mounting-and-drop-into-the-initramfs-r will be useful for testing

dyindude commented 6 years ago

https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/92853/adding-a-file-to-etc-of-initramfs-in-debian-wheezy http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/initramfs-tools.8.html copy-exec for adding binaries (e.g. arp) to initramfs

dyindude commented 6 years ago

https://askubuntu.com/questions/59487/how-to-configure-lvm-luks-to-autodecrypt-partition some okay examples here

dyindude commented 6 years ago

another good resource https://dradisframework.com/pro/support/guides/customization/auto-unlock-luks-encrypted-drive.html

dyindude commented 4 years ago

https://askubuntu.com/questions/906870/luks-keyscript-being-ignored-asks-for-password seems it may be more straightforward nowadays

dyindude commented 4 years ago

another place I would be interested to retrieve a key from is hashicorp vault. The current plan is to stabilize building a vagrant box, then build a project that uses the box as a base for testing different key source implementations (probably starting with an "insecure" script like shown in the last comment's url)

dyindude commented 4 years ago

as far as PXE booting goes - I've been wayyy overcomplicating things. The devices that I want to PXE boot, it should be fine to use MBR/legacy boot - as no GPT device will be used as the boot device. I'll chase this down with some examples in vagrant/virtualbox to get a simple, MBR-capable pxe setup, then test it with the M700 on our unifi network when it comes in next week

dyindude commented 4 years ago

initial test of pxe with undionly.kpxe is successful. 32bit for this is probably fine, but I might look into a 64bit build may also still test chainloading efi via the same method (snp.efi/snponly.efi via tftp) since every device should support this - but one of the cons of efi is that I can't test the boot cycle in vbox (may still be able to in qemu, see https://boot.alpinelinux.org/) some examples here: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/IPXE

dyindude commented 4 years ago

the 32-luks branch has some work we did last year on this, so don't forget to reference that nevermind, I remember going down this road and I think some of the other links I've found more recently provide a more straightforward method

dyindude commented 4 years ago

insecure boot method has been tested https://askubuntu.com/questions/101801/set-up-eth0-network-interface-using-dhcp-in-initramfs looks like a good place to start for network-aware booting

dyindude commented 4 years ago

have a working example (have to copy some files from rootfs, since it relies on arp, ping, and head) in a vagrant box that I will commit soon

dyindude commented 4 years ago

two examples implemented in 2fa342e3ea44528e336ace1fd1c6bcbbe282ecf0