dylan-profiler / visions

Type System for Data Analysis in Python
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Recommended stack overflow tag for questions #169

Closed sterlinm closed 3 years ago

sterlinm commented 3 years ago

I have a question about how to use the library. I considered opening an issue, but I see in the documentation that you recommend asking questions about how to use the package on Stack Overflow. Is there a tag that you'd suggest people use when asking questions there? I don't see anything with visions as a tag, but maybe I'm just the first person to ask a question over there.

If you think visions would be a good tag choice it would make sense to update the stack overflow ask a question link to pre-populate the question with the tag (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=visions).


sterlinm commented 3 years ago

Actually, it turns out that I don't have sufficient reputation on Stack Overflow to create a new tag anyway. I attempted to post this question with the tag visions. I posted it there without the tag but if you have any suggestions for tags I'll edit the post.

I'm interested in using the Visions library to automate the process of identifying certain types of security (stock) identifiers. The documentation mentions that it could be used in such a way for ISBN codes but I'm looking for a more concrete example of how to do it. I think the process would be pretty much identical for the fields I'm thinking of as they all have check digits (ISIN, SEDOL, CUSIP).

My general idea is that I would create custom types for the different identifier types and could use those types to

  • Take a dataframe where the types are unknown and identify columns matching the types (even if it's not a 100% match)
  • Validate the types on a dataframe where the intended type is known
ieaves commented 3 years ago

Hey @sterlinm, thanks for the great question! I posted an answer to your Stack Overflow question but wanted to call out here that you should feel free to submit a PR into visions with that (or another) implementation as fits your use-case :).

nishnash54 commented 3 years ago

Stackoverflow says the [visions] tag is too similar to the [vision] tag, so does not allow it. Maybe you can have another tag for the visions library. @ieaves Let me know if you have anything specific in mind. Maybe [py-visions], [lib-visions]

ieaves commented 3 years ago

Hey @nishnash54, thanks for the offer. A pity visions got nixed but if you're willing to make one under [py-visions] that would be great!

nishnash54 commented 3 years ago

You can finally close this issue now @ieaves. It took a while but it's finally done. You can use this tag [py-visions].

@sterlinm After I added that tag to your question, some one came along and decided to remove it. :laughing: You can check the history

ieaves commented 3 years ago

Beautiful, thanks @nishnash54!