dylan-smith / DiveIntelligence

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Gradient factors #3

Open dylan-smith opened 10 months ago

dylan-smith commented 10 months ago
dylan-smith commented 9 months ago


dylan-smith commented 9 months ago

According the to thread linked above GF low should have no impact on NDL limit. Should test this.

dylan-smith commented 2 months ago

I think GF low will have an extremely small chance of impacting NDL given the new (more aggressive way) that I'm calculating NDL.

I'm now accounting for the off-gassing that happens as you ascend to the surface to allow for longer NDL's. But if during the ascent you bust through GFLow, but are still ok with regard to GFHigh (e.g. a deep dive where you have a 10/90 GF or something like that)., that will affect the NDL.

dylan-smith commented 3 weeks ago

The target GF (e.g. if you set 30/70, at which depth does the interpolation between 30->70 start) is determined based on surface vs max instantaneous observed ceiling across the entire dive.

For example, if the max ceiling observed was 35m, and we are currently at 27m then the ceiling should be X% of the M-Value X = 30 + ((35 - 27) / 35) * (70 - 30) 39% is the target at 27m.