dylan-thinnes / solsys

Solsys at https://solsys.xyz is a prime factorizing solar system generator.
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Write code for HTTP API #2

Closed dylan-thinnes closed 7 years ago

dylan-thinnes commented 7 years ago

A REST API is needed so that once can make requests to the url and recieve a parsed set of factors in return.

dylan-thinnes commented 7 years ago

This is also important for integration with AWS lambda.

dylan-thinnes commented 7 years ago

It would be better to split two core functions of the API into two separate endpoints - there should be factorization and simple pi(x) requests as separate services, and therefore separate endpoints, in the API. This is because while the user's list of the first N primes can factor any number smaller than the (N+1)th prime squared, it can only provide pi(x) for any number it actually has in the list. As such, sometimes the user will have fully factorized a number and will only need pi(x) as a server-provided (C++ provided) service.

dylan-thinnes commented 7 years ago

The AWS Gateway API endpoint for factorization on aws lambda has been created, currently at n3dl2qh6kj.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/factorize/?number=<number here> CORS headers have been set which require a specific API key, however. Please look in client/scripts/main.js to see the API key.

I am looking into AWS Route 53 for potentially making the endpoint prettier.

dylan-thinnes commented 7 years ago

Closing this discussion, continued discussion of a separate non-factorization-related API should be in a different issue, if it is an issue at all.