dylanaraps / pywal

🎨 Generate and change color-schemes on the fly.
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Colors reset upon window focus st and dwm #647

Open mbpowers opened 2 years ago

mbpowers commented 2 years ago

I am using DWM and ST on arch using Luke's Auto-Ricing Bootstrap.

When I set a new background the colors (except background) are updated on the fly for all windows except the current focused window. If I then focus on the previously unfocused windows, they will revert back to the previously set colors. Freshly spawned windows work as intended.

I thought I had it working before but couldn't figure out what I may have changed, so I reinstalled arch and larbs and the behavior has remained leading me to believe I either misremembered it ever working or my accidental fix. These builds of DWM and ST can be found at LukeSmithxyz/dwm and LukeSmithxyz/st.

I believe the background not updating on the fly is a separate issue from the colors reverting, and tried the fix from #512, which did not fix that problem.

The main issue I am trying to fix is the colors reverting upon focus. I am confused about how focusing a window would cause the colors to revert back. If anyone could point me in the direction of how to fix or troubleshoot, that would be much appreciated. Or if you have this functionality working in your build of ST and DWM if you could share your config. Thanks!

donbcd commented 11 months ago

same here, st with i3.... And yes, in the past it worked fine. Anyone solved this?

Hunter-sThompson commented 6 months ago

Same here, except I'm only using lukes st and my own DWM. Have you found a fix yet?

mbpowers commented 6 months ago

@Hunter-sThompson Not unless you count switching over to foot and hyprland on wayland which fixed it for me :p sorry friend.