dylanaraps / pywal

🎨 Generate and change color-schemes on the fly.
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How to see the current color theme #663

Open applejwjcat opened 2 years ago

applejwjcat commented 2 years ago

Hello, I wonder if there is any way to know the current theme the terminal is used? I know when use "wal --theme random" , it will print the current theme? But I didn't notice it after a lot of work, I want to know the current color theme is, the cache file can't tell anything. Thanks!

eylles commented 2 years ago

I usually use neofetch for that.

coloursofnoise commented 2 years ago

You can use wal --preview to print the current colorscheme.

acamso commented 1 year ago

@dylanaraps - Is there a way to show the hex value next to each color in the preview for quick reference? Or is there another recommended way?

Edit - Using this for now for those interested:

function color() {
    wal --preview | tail -n4 | sed -E "s/ {4}/        /g"
    cat ~/.cache/wal/colors | tr "\n" " " | sed -z "s/\s/\n/8" && echo \\n