dylanaraps / pywal

🎨 Generate and change color-schemes on the fly.
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Pywal conflicts with polybar and picom?: #713

Open bencow98054 opened 10 months ago

bencow98054 commented 10 months ago

Persistent Issue with pywal and polybar.

Hello! I've been trying to fix this issue for a very long time. I seem to be having conflict between pywal and polybar on startup wherein if I include the command to start up pywal in my i3 config file, polybar appears to not be executed on launch. I've tried a myriad of placements of these commands in my i3 config file where I execute polybar before pywal and vice versa. However, no matter how it seems I am starting up pywal with either -i or -R, it always leads to polybar not being run on startup. Once the computer itself has started up and I execute 'polybar bar' or I simply restart i3 from the cli, my polybar appears. It is just that on startup it seems I can't get both to work together. Moreover, pywal seems to make my compositor glitchy on startup but that's a separate issue which again seems to resolve when I just restart i3. I was wondering how this could be resolved as it only seems when I run wal -R in my i3 config (rather than my .xinitrc) does it actually run on startup.

This is the area of code that seems to cause this in my i3 config file:


exec_always --no-startup-id $HOME/.config/polybar/launch.sh &

enable the picom compositor

exec_always --no-startup-id picom -b

pywal colorscheme and wallpaper

exec_always --no-startup-id wal -R


pancaek commented 8 months ago

I have been having this issue as well, I just tested something, and it seems to be behaving so far. I call pywal and polybar chained in one command, like this exec_always --no-startup-id "wal -R && $HOME/.config/polybar/launch.sh" I haven't done rigorous testing but after 5-6 reboots to test it this morning I haven't had the issue.

bencow98054 commented 8 months ago

Woah! A response! Thank you so much! I’ll try this out at some point. I currently am pleased with my setup not using pywal but def will reattempt and let y’all know.