dylanaraps / wal.vim

🎨 A vim colorscheme for use with wal
MIT License
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eol not showing when using wal colorscheme #32

Closed execb5 closed 3 years ago

execb5 commented 3 years ago


I have set list lcs=trail:·,precedes:«,extends:»,tab:▸\ ,eol:¬ on my vimrc and for some reason when I switch to wal colorscheme the eol character stops showing. Can anyone help me with this?


The colorcolumn only showing when switching to wal is ok, it's a problem with the other colorscheme I was using.

execb5 commented 3 years ago

I found out that the eol character belongs to the color group NonText which when using the wal color scheme, has the same color as the background. So I just changed that group to another color after setting the color scheme and it worked.

colorscheme wal
" Doesn't need to be exactly red, it just needs to be a different color from the background.
highlight NonText ctermfg=red  guifg=red