dylandoamaral / trakt-integration

A Trakt integration for Home Assistant compatible with upcoming media card
MIT License
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Won't authorise with Trakt #16

Closed Davecl closed 2 years ago

Davecl commented 2 years ago

Hi I've tried using my nabucasa address with /auth/external/callback on the end and i've tried using just my nabucasa address but the integration will not authorise, i get this error

OAUTH ERROR The requested redirect uri is malformed or doesn't match client redirect URI. any ideas?

Davecl commented 2 years ago

never mind i've sorted it

dylandoamaral commented 2 years ago

Can you explain how you fixed that to help future people ?

Davecl commented 2 years ago

It was totally my fault. I was trying to install on the local instance of Home Assistant. I simply switched to the Home Assistant Cloud instance and installed from there.

bjeanes commented 2 years ago

Trakt.tv is just giving me a 500 error when trying to auth. Probably an issue on their end, but it gives me no information to debug. Redirect URI is correct for my instance and for the OAuth application I created...

bjeanes commented 2 years ago

I figured it out right after I sent that comment haha.

It 500s on the URL which this component gives (https://api.trakt.tv/oauth/authorize/...) but if one looks at the Authorize link that Trakt provides, it is on thetrakt.tvdomain (vsapi.trakt.tv). I merely removedapi.` from the URL that the configuration screen was directing me to and it worked.

I think the URL may have changed perhapS?

dylandoamaral commented 2 years ago

This is clearly an issue thank you for this precise and precious answer !