dylang / grunt-notify

Automatic Notifications when Grunt tasks fail.
MIT License
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grunt-notify & growl not displaying #107

Open Shizen opened 9 years ago

Shizen commented 9 years ago

I am not getting the return_code of 4294967295. My verbose output says...

[grunt-notify] growl: growlnotify wasn't found. If you were hoping to use Growl, make you sure you have their command line script called Growlnotify. Mac: http://growl.info/downloads or Windows: http://www.growlforwindows.com/gfw/help/growlnotify.aspx and put it in your path. You should be able to type growlnotify --version and get something back. [grunt-notify] IS_WINDOWS: true [grunt-notify] PROGRAM_FILES: C:\Program Files [grunt-notify] PROGRAM_FILES_X86: C:\Program Files (x86) [grunt-notify] fullPathToApplication: false [grunt-notify] snarl: We couldn't find heysnarl.exe in your path or in "full phat/Snarl/tools" - maybe you have an older version? [grunt-notify] os: Windows_NT [grunt-notify] version: 6.1.7601 [grunt-notify] IS_MAC: false [grunt-notify] MOUNTAIN_LION: false [grunt-notify] notification_center: Not available for your OS. [grunt-notify] notify-send: notify-send was not found in your path [grunt-notify] os: Windows_NT [grunt-notify] version: 6.1.7601 [grunt-notify] IS_WINDOWS: true [grunt-notify] WINDOWS_8: false [grunt-notify] toaster: Not available for your OS. [no-notifications] title: Random Complete [no-notifications] message: Test successful.

I do have growlnotify in my path, however, and can execute it successfully from the command line in the same cwd as my gruntfile.js. I'm testing this on a Windows 7 Pro box...

troyblank commented 9 years ago

Just to vouch I am running into the same issue with the about the same issue on windows 8.1 after upgrading Node from 0.10 something to 0.12.6.

>> [growl] return_code: 4294967295

That being said I was able to just use windows 8's native notify with no issues in my case.

Love this plugin.

rquadling commented 9 years ago


cristian-sima commented 8 years ago


Still there