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Lee #1

Closed dylannevans closed 2 years ago

dylannevans commented 2 years ago


Dylan, thoughtful writing. Here are my thoughts:

Your self stated goal was to address a gap in canonical creeds. First by Creed I would assume you mean a statement of belief ie The Apostilles Creed or The Nicene Creed. We could also define a Creed as a statement of belief that guides actions. I would propose that is your operating definition. You set out statements of belief and you then assert actions to take that will address the aforementioned belief.

I would offer these questions: What is your goal here? To state a creed focused on the Human Condition and the requisite human response? See my thoughts below. Is your creed intended to be a summary of the whole of theology and the call to response? See thoughts below.

If you are seeking to focus this creed on the human condition, then I would offer a few things for thought:

  1. The creed begins with post fall humanity, our sinful nature. We were not first and foremost created in that sinful state, in fact we were created and lived at first in right relationship with God, THEN Sin entered the picture.
  2. I feel that if we begin with post fall humanity, we forget the goal is to restore something that is broken rather than mourn the brokenness.
  3. I come from a preconception that humanity is of infinite value to the Creator, so when declaring something about humanity, I start with that value proposition. Then, I would address the fallen-ness of humanity. Then I would invite the reader into restorative action AND affirm the desire of our Creator to see our relationship restored, with both God and each other.

If we one is seeking to make a more overarching statement of Christian belief and call to action, I would suggest looking to the Genesis narrative as a pattern,

  1. Establish the deity and holiness of God, this is the core, the pinnacle of our faith
  2. Establish the beauty and intentionality of the created universe as being of and from God
  3. Establish the glory of humanity and our special bond with our Creator
  4. Identify the components of the fall: Temptation, Rebellion, Pain and Loss, and Broken Relationship with God and each other
  5. Establish the reaction of God to this fall, the Creator separated from the Beloved creation
  6. Establish the pathway to reconciliation between the Creator and the Created
  7. Operationalize that pathway by inviting the reader to understand:
    1. Our responsibility in the separation
    2. Our role in reconciliation
    3. Our Creator's invitation to reconciliation
    4. The outcome of reconciliation and right relationship with our Creator

Ok, bulleted thoughts, I believe that many of the components of your creedal statement fit within both of my proposed creedal structures, there are components that may need to be filled in. Then the challenge is to make such a thing succent. I love this exercise, and it has been meaningful for me to join you in thinking this way!

dylannevans commented 2 years ago

That's an approach I've seen before – I consider the Apostle's creed to follow the approach you describe. I added Appendix A to describe why I chose not to do it in that way. Thoughts?

Do you think that God thinks the ideas you listed should be more important to us than the ones I did? Which?