dylanpiera / Foundry-Pokemon-Tabletop-United-System

PTU System for FoundryVTT
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The shiny auto generation text lies a bit. (minor) #686

Closed RcwynnDM closed 4 months ago

RcwynnDM commented 4 months ago

So in toggle generation, the shiny rate text reads "Default Species Drag In Shiny Chance (%)" that kinda a lie because when you ready like that you expect that anything in the box will be turned into a percentage Example: if you put 1 in the expected value would be 1%, but it's not it actually 100% chance so the default rate of .2 is actually 20%. I want to know if this was intentional or just an error in text.


dylanpiera commented 4 months ago

"Intentional" to a degree, 100 == 100%, 80 == 80% 0.8 == 80% 0.01 === 1% 1 == 100%

Due to supporting both the number as a percent and the number as an integer it's a side-effect.