dylanpiera / Foundry-Pokemon-Tabletop-United-System

PTU System for FoundryVTT
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Weather modification in battle #769

Closed Thyphon76 closed 3 weeks ago

Thyphon76 commented 1 month ago

Discussed in https://github.com/dylanpiera/Foundry-Pokemon-Tabletop-United-System/discussions/764

Originally posted by **Thyphon76** May 9, 2024 Hello, I'm stuck with some weather abilities effect. I didn't know how to fix it: For exemple, when I try to use Sunny Day, the game tell me "It appears this moves dosen't have any special effect" like on the screen. I didn't understand why it's happen.. Someone can help me please? ![Capture d'écran 2024-05-09 221144](https://github.com/dylanpiera/Foundry-Pokemon-Tabletop-United-System/assets/169399690/558510b9-bca4-46b0-8ef1-e9fc7d5a3bf7)