dylanwuzh / flutter-cupertino-date-picker

Flutter cupertino style date picker.
Apache License 2.0
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Wrong display in month name #72

Open andreskiu opened 4 years ago

andreskiu commented 4 years ago

I'm using the widget with locale = DateTimePickerLocale.es, and the name of month "january" (must appear like enero) is not appearing well. Instead, the name is like a concatenation of "day of week" with month's name.

For example: My widget: FlatButton( onPressed: () { DatePicker.showDatePicker(context, onConfirm: _onConfirm; }, onClose: _onCLose, pickerMode: DateTimePickerMode.datetime,

     initialDateTime: DateTime.now(),
     locale: DateTimePickerLocale.es,
     dateFormat: 'EEE dd MMMM yyyy HH mm'

}, child: .... }

I expected to see: "Sab 04 Enero 2020 17 55" but i got "Sab 04 Sabnero 2020 17 55"


That's happening only with that month, the others seem to be fine
