dymensionxyz / RDK

Server side for dymension Rollapps
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RDK upstream with v0.46.x #152

Closed shaolin-flow closed 1 year ago

mtsitrin commented 1 year ago

@shaolin-flow when RDK is on v0.46.x but the settlement is v0.45.x we get the following issue: https://github.com/dymensionxyz/dymint/issues/161

I think we need to upgrade the hub to v0.46.6

mtsitrin commented 1 year ago

Another issue is that CosmWasm doesn't support v0.46.x yet (https://docs.cosmwasm.com/docs/1.0/integration/#prerequisites)

shaolin-flow commented 1 year ago

Hold upstreaming RDK to Cosmos SDK V46.x for the foreseeable future.

shaolin-flow commented 1 year ago

Upgrade to the latest stable version in v45.X, we will upstream to v46 for incentivized testnet.