dymensionxyz / RDK

Server side for dymension Rollapps
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review globalfee and txfees modules #153

Closed mtsitrin closed 1 year ago

mtsitrin commented 1 year ago

Review the following modules, decide whether relevant to the rollapp use case

https://github.com/cosmos/gaia/blob/main/docs/modules/globalfee.md https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis/tree/main/x/txfees

mtsitrin commented 1 year ago

@shaolin-flow Current method for minimum supported fees is by defining "min_gas_prices" at validator's node.

Regarding GlobalFee module:

Regarding txfees module:

IMO, those modules are not required for a rollapp:

let me know what u think

shaolin-flow commented 1 year ago

Agreed these are not required for the RDK. As such, closing this issue.