dymensionxyz / dymint

Sequencing Engine for Dymension RollApps
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fix(settlement): hub disconnect and reconnect causes sequencer to send wrong batch #889

Closed mtsitrin closed 3 weeks ago

mtsitrin commented 1 month ago
  1. doesn't break the accpetance loop on rpc errors
  2. handle the case where batch was accepted but we timed-out waiting for it

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Close #884

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danwt commented 3 weeks ago

there is some panic in the test https://github.com/dymensionxyz/dymint/actions/runs/9351213453/job/25736400514?pr=889

I wonder if our existing code is already flaky in this regard

mtsitrin commented 3 weeks ago

there is some panic in the test https://github.com/dymensionxyz/dymint/actions/runs/9351213453/job/25736400514?pr=889

I wonder if our existing code is already flaky in this regard

Its some racing in the graceful shutdown flow