dynamist / subgit

Sub-git repo handler
Apache License 2.0
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Implement -c, --conf flag #35

Closed Grokzen closed 1 year ago

Grokzen commented 2 years ago

So right now we have no way from the commandline to choose any other file other then the default. The Core class already supports this feature but the cli needs to be extended to work with this as well as we have many configuration files that we can't really use as we have no way to point subgit to another file on demand.

In the hiearchy of cli parsers it needs to be figured out if we should but it on the global scope, or on the local command scope or not. It is simpler to put it once in the global scope, the downside is that in the global scope is that we can't use it anywhere we like within the cli argument.

The downside of putting it on all leaf parsers is that it is redundant and requires several duplicate implementations. This could possibly spark the merge of all cli parsers into one parser as we no longer have so many leaf commands like we used to have