dynatrace-oss / dynatrace-azure-log-forwarder

This project provides a mechanism that allows streaming Azure logs from Azure Event Hub into Dynatrace Logs via Azure Function App. It supports both: Azure Resource Logs and Azure Activity Logs.
Apache License 2.0
21 stars 16 forks source link

Feature/apm 318397 azure database for mssql servers #38

Closed Dawid-Kaszubski closed 3 years ago

Dawid-Kaszubski commented 3 years ago

Added MSSQL logs configs

mswiatkowska commented 3 years ago

I'm sure we discussed this but we probably forgot to leave some info in jira description - we should also check those logs for Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools and Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances. Maybe we don't have to create all types of logs for them but just create an instance of each type and check if we can stream logs (and what types) via diagnostic settings. This documentation can be helpful: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/database/metrics-diagnostic-telemetry-logging-streaming-export-configure?tabs=azure-portal#diagnostic-telemetry-for-export "This diagnostic telemetry can be configured for single databases, elastic pools and pooled databases, and managed instances and instance databases."