dynatrace-oss / terraform-provider-dynatrace

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Interface for ressource web_app_anomalies does not correspond to fields in Dynatrace #404

Closed mattBaumBeneva closed 9 months ago

mattBaumBeneva commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

  1. In automatic mode, the UI does not have over-alerting protection for Error Rate Increase: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/dynatrace-oss/dynatrace/latest/docs/resources/web_app_anomalies#nestedblock--error_rate--error_rate_auto--over_alerting_protection
  2. In the UI, Unexpected Low Load has "Enabled" and a single percentage threshold. This does not match what we see: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/dynatrace-oss/dynatrace/latest/docs/resources/web_app_anomalies#abnormal_state_abnormal_state

There may be other issues we have not noticed. Also note: the ressource typically does not exportwith the procider's -export command.

Expected behavior The configuration options offered by the ressource should match the Dynatrace GUI and API.

Additional context Dynatrace version 1.285.101

kishikawa12 commented 9 months ago

Hi @mattBaumBeneva,

I've reviewed the resource and UI also on v285 and wasn't able to find the discrepancies you encountered. I've included a couple of screenshots for comparison below regarding the two specific areas that you mentioned.

I also wasn't able to replicate the export not working for this resource. Note that out-of-the-box nothing will be exported for this resource unless you change the web anomalies settings at the environment/application/key request level (aka out-of-the-box = no objects for this resource).

Are you able to take a couple of screenshots of where you see the discrepancy? If you can also confirm that the export is still having issues after modifying a setting, that would be greatly appreciated.

If you continue to experience issues with the export, are you able to run the export with the environment variables below set?

set DYNATRACE_LOG_HTTP=terraform-provider-dynatrace.http.log


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mattBaumBeneva commented 9 months ago

I think you're right about the export. I can't explain why, but the Interface on our Dynatrace environment now looks exactly as you have shown it in your screen captures. I should have posted screen caps yesterday. I'll close this ticket.