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Time parsing 32bit corner-case #846

Open matteo-cristino opened 5 months ago

matteo-cristino commented 5 months ago

Since time is an integer, it could take values from -2147483648 to 2147483647, but if I try to do


the following error is returned

Could not read unix timestamp -2.147484e+09

While this error is not returned in the case I use


This seems due to some conversion from number to string done internally in lua since, as stated in the documentation, both number and strings are seen as string from lua_isstring function (making also the lua_isnumber branching useless)


and thus they both pass thorugh the lua_tostring function. I tried also to move the branch with lua_isnumber before the lua_isstring one, but it seemed that after a certain number, lua was not able to read them correctly.

Thus at the moment, if we use numbers in input we are only loosing the time -2147483648 and using strings in input we should not lose anything. Anyway interesting to notice and maybe look further into it in case any other problems with numbers came up.