dyne / dnscrypt-proxy

DNSCrypt-Proxy repository, frankly maintained for what it does (no new features planned)
167 stars 57 forks source link

New DNS server in Mountain View California #14

Closed ex-git closed 6 years ago

ex-git commented 6 years ago

Just use Google Cloud Platform built this server. No log. Can you add to the list?

Stamp for dnscrypt-proxy 2.x: sdns://AQcAAAAAAAAAEzEwNC4xOTguMTEwLjExNTo0NDMgg2u3HcgDDo2XsrKL05-UK3r6Z7RGMKwymuTIQ4fQZegkMi5kbnNjcnlwdC1jZXJ0LmRucy5xdWFsaXR5b2xvZ3kuY29t

Parameters for dnscrypt-proxy 1.x: dnscrypt-proxy --provider-key=836B:B71D:C803:0E8D:97B2:B28B:D39F:942B:7AFA:67B4:4630:AC32:9AE4:C843:87D0:65E8 --resolver-address= --provider-name=2.dnscrypt-cert.dns.qualityology.com

jedisct1 commented 6 years ago


The repository for the lists is now https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers but I'd be glad to add your resolver.

What name do you want it to appear as? qualityology?

What description would you like? It can be anything, really :)

ex-git commented 6 years ago

qualityology.com I am still using openwrt with 1.x so please also update this list also. Thank you.

jedisct1 commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately no one is maintaining the CSV file any more as far as I know. Maybe this will happen, and maybe this can be as simple as writing a script that builds it from v2 sources, but such script and maintainer don't exist yet :/

jedisct1 commented 6 years ago

Can you double check the IP address, port and firewall status?

Looks like it isn't reachable at the moment:

[2018-04-04 02:39:22] [ERROR] read udp> i/o timeout
[2018-04-04 02:39:22] [NOTICE] dnscrypt-proxy is waiting for at least one server to be reachable
ex-git commented 6 years ago

having issue opening 443 port in gcp with their docker image. will see if I can fix it tonight.

ex-git commented 6 years ago

finally got it work by removing --net=host from the installation command. Please try and let me know if there is issue. *New stamp created.

jedisct1 commented 6 years ago

Yay, it works!

And it has been added: https://dnscrypt.info/public-servers

So you should see some traffic soon.

Thanks for setting up this!

ex-git commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Can you add it to https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers?

jedisct1 commented 6 years ago

Oops, I forgot to git push. Done!

ex-git commented 6 years ago

Great. Thx.

ex-git commented 5 years ago

@jedisct1 can you update qualityology.com to my new server? The old one having some issue and will be shutdown soon. The new server in located in Los Angeles, CA.

Stamp for dnscrypt-proxy 2.x: sdns://AQcAAAAAAAAAEzE5OC4xNDguMTA1LjIwNjo4NTMgi9LphtsRL5o4aPE1gkAGO2ss-5h153BR2A8-AlDXwpEkMi5kbnNjcnlwdC1jZXJ0LmRucy5xdWFsaXR5b2xvZ3kuY29t

jedisct1 commented 5 years ago

@ex-git Done :)

ex-git commented 5 years ago

@jedisct1 thanks. I rebuilt the server and follow https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/wiki/Manually-updating-your-DNSCrypt-server to restore the key but somehow the public key changed? But I can still connect to the server. Below is the new stamp. Server is up and running now. Thank you.

Stamp for dnscrypt-proxy 2.x: sdns://AQcAAAAAAAAAEzE5OC4xNDguMTA1LjIwNjo4NTMgcLFt2QLxD5rsnp4cJjYqIF5zW1C3_9jGXDkTWrwQg5UkMi5kbnNjcnlwdC1jZXJ0LmRucy5xdWFsaXR5b2xvZ3kuY29t

ex-git commented 5 years ago

@jedisct1 can you push the new Stamp. The public key is different after I rebuild the whole server and import the old keys. Not sure why that happen.