dyne / dnscrypt-proxy

DNSCrypt-Proxy repository, frankly maintained for what it does (no new features planned)
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Big thanks for maintaining the DNSCrypt-proxy codebase #3

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Many and big thanks for maintaining the "DNSCrypt-proxy codebase without the intention of adding any new features, just patch bugs" as you explain it on your README.markdown.

I've been using DNSCrypt-Proxy for years, at this time the latest dnscrypt-proxy-win64-full-1.9.5 That the code be no longer updated is one thing but that the regularly updated dnscrypt-resolvers.csv be out of reach from where I'd always download it, that is from the DNSCrypt-Proxy Downloads page is another.

Fortunately this dnscrypt-resolvers.csv is available here. For those like me who need a direct download link to be able to update without opening the browser, here's a direct download link for the dnscrypt-resolvers.csv maintained here.

Thanks again.

thess commented 6 years ago

Yes, thankyou from me too; long time user. It would also be nice if you folks would make a source-release package available for download by build systems (@openwrt) that used to reference the jedisct1 repo.


KrasnayaPloshchad commented 6 years ago

Some other codebases including server tools can be found here: https://github.com/dnscrypt

rnhmjoj commented 6 years ago

@thess A few tarballs, including the last, can be found here

jaromil commented 6 years ago

I think we rounded up pretty much on everything. I'll send a briefing to the mailinglist so be sure to be subscribed to continue participating in this effort. At Dyne we have no access to the dnscrypt organisation (ping @jedisct1) so we will continue working here.

KrasnayaPloshchad commented 6 years ago

Internet Archive Wayback Machine have already hosted them. https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://download.dnscrypt.org/dnscrypt-proxy/

D1n0Bot commented 6 years ago

Frank is back https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy

jaromil commented 6 years ago

Yes I noticed and was studying his code a bit. Looks good. I'll prepare an overview to send to the mailinglist this weekend.

KrasnayaPloshchad commented 6 years ago

I saw it too. But it does not available for mobile devices.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I learned the return of Frank, the availability of his DNSCrypt-Proxy v2 thanks to @D1n0Bot 's comment above. Of course it is on Frank's page that it'll have to be discussed but from from what this V2 appears to be at this time (alpha) it is far from offering what latest stable 1.9.5 does. I see the resolvers are included in the config file and that there is no mention of address & domain blacklists nor of proxy and queries logs which are a substantial part of DNSCrypt-Proxy besides encrypted DNS querying of course. But all this is alpha, needs time.

ghost commented 6 years ago

1- If we run DNSCrypt-Proxy we rely on dnscrypt-resolvers.csv 2- I know two dnscrypt-resolvers.csv files available: 2.1.: https://github.com/dyne/dnscrypt-proxy/blob/master/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv : updated 8 days ago 2.2: https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers/blob/master/v1/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv : updated 15 days ago

I'm wondering on which of the two II can rely. This is confusing. dnscrypt-resolvers.csv is essential to DNSCrypt-Proxy, need to say. Which of the two? Thanks.

jaromil commented 6 years ago

Hi there. I think you can rely on our resolver list here for now, but maintaining a list of working resolvers is beyond the scope of this repository. I have contacted the owner of the DNSCrypt group you mention, but never had a reply, so I'm not sure how viable is to use that group yet.

jaromil commented 6 years ago

Regarding the query log and blocklists... good points I agree with you these are important functionalities. In this software based on dnscrypt https://github.com/dyne/dowse we have a dnscrypt-plugin that does exactly that: exposes queries in a clear CSV format on pub/sub channels via Redis and implements ad-hoc blocklists, soon to be configured per-machine via a frontend. If these functionalities are important then Dowse may be a solution for you, but will need smoothing around the edges.

KrasnayaPloshchad commented 6 years ago

I saw it too. But it does not available for mobile devices.

I found 2.0.0alpha10 having additional packages support for ARM and MIPS, but I’m not sure whether they support Android.