dyne / dnscrypt-proxy

DNSCrypt-Proxy repository, frankly maintained for what it does (no new features planned)
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Server connections fail #8

Open GitTheHellOutaHere opened 6 years ago

GitTheHellOutaHere commented 6 years ago

Is there really any reason to use continue using DNSCrypt? Aren’t the odds of a DNS misdirect minuscule anyway?

Just last week I was checking for updates and found sites which said the project was dead. Then I found out the list was being maintained here.

But for the past week or so the app hasn’t worked at all for me. When I connect to ANY server my connection is dropped.

And although Network Diagnostic shows red for Internet and Server, DNSCrypt still says it’s connected.

Even tried removing all the static servers I’d entered in the Advanced tab just in case it made any difference, which of course it didn’t.

Are any servers still working for others?

licaon-kter commented 6 years ago

Working here.

The project continues...

It was partly about redirect, yes, and about privacy.

What servers fail for you?

GitTheHellOutaHere commented 6 years ago

Like I said, ALL of them.

Every one I’ve tried - US and around the globe.

Forgot about the privacy aspect. But don’t ISP’s know what adresses you’re visiting anway? (unless you’re on a VPN).

licaon-kter commented 6 years ago

You're on Windows? Running plain or via SimpleDNScrypt?

GitTheHellOutaHere commented 6 years ago

Mac. dnscrypt-osxclient

jedisct1 commented 6 years ago

DNSCrypt-OSXClient (or whatever it is called) is another project. It's a user interface that needs an update or a rewrite.

Duplicate of https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/issues/47

GitTheHellOutaHere commented 6 years ago

So the Mac client itself is dead, only the server list is being maintained?

There was a link on that project that led me here. https://github.com/alterstep/dnscrypt-osxclient/issues/161

Not sure why the client would have suddenly ceased functioning just because it’s no longer being updated but I guess I could post my issue over there.