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Missing software pages #105

Open Sakrecoer opened 10 months ago

Sakrecoer commented 10 months ago

List of URLs

sx.dyne.org fakiir.dyne.org montevideo.dyne.org tamburine.dyne.org korova.dyne.org (suggestion: redirect to wayback machine on archive.org) tubocatodico.dyne.org (suggestion: redirect to wayback machine on archive.org) tbt.dyne.org proximity.dyne.org (suggestion: redirect to wayback machine on archive.org)

Sakrecoer commented 10 months ago


https://web.archive.org/web/20160310075339/https://sx.dyne.org/ The first functioning archive is from 2016. It's a full on manual without an about. It is pretty clear that it is a tool for Bitcoin. What it does exactly is hard for me to tell. But cool trivia, it is developed by Amir and Vitalik.

Sakrecoer commented 10 months ago



A tool to generate code for remote process comunication and object exposure =========================================================================== > by [Denis "jaromil" Rojo](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://rastasoft.org/) > liblo by [Steve Harris](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://inanna.ecs.soton.ac.uk/) > xmlrpc++ by [Chris Morley](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://sourceforge.net/users/cmorley/) Fakiir generates code to expose C++ classes over the network, using protocols like OSC(udp) and XMLRPC(tcp) to insure a fast or steady comunication channel to receive calls. This program reads C++ headers and generates the code necessary to expose public functions: fakiir-code.cpp You can compile your program together with the generated code, add 4 lines to your code and then link it to the libfakiir. Fakiir can help a programmer to write the repetitive and error prone code needed to expose a public API with its methods and properties, generating code for object introspection and access to public functions via XML RPC (TCP) and Open Sound Control (UDP) protocols. Anyway, at the time being, Fakiir is not yet emploied seriously :D and is an ongoing development... see the [ChangeLog](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/ftp://ftp.dyne.org/fakiir/ChangeLog). Future plans include the ability to expose an API in javascript language. Releases are made available on [ftp://ftp.dyne.org/fakiir/releases](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/ftp://ftp.dyne.org/fakiir/releases) To get the code using subversion: svn checkout svn://dyne.org/fakiir Or visit the menu of this web page to browse the code online. Internals --------- Fakiir is being written in C++ employing STL with SGI extensions. The gramatic parser is written in Flex and tokens are analyzed using C. This software is in its early development phase; currently the following limitations are respected: * parsed headers must be well formed > > i.e. methods must not be implemented inside the header * argument types supported are only int, float and char\* strings * inheritance is supported only up to one level: > > only parents, no grand-parents, so that a child can't also be a parent Access methods are currently implemented for XML-RPC and OSC protocols, linking the [liblo-0.18](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://plugin.org.uk/liblo/) and [xmlrpc++-0.7](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://xmlrpccpp.sf.net/) libraries. Test it ------- just type 'make' and fakiir will be done: * a commandline tool to parse your code and generate the fakiir-code.cpp * a library (both shared and static format) which should be linked by your application go inside the test/ directory and type '../fakiir ./testclass.h' and then 'make', this will compile the test-fakiir program which you can run. the test program accepts call to its functions via readline, OSC and XMLRP on the 7770 port, all at the same time. Work in progress ---------------- Development of Fakiir was just started in february 2005 during a trip thru India. This code is still not yet employed in a real environment by its author, but it will be very soon. If you are interested you are very welcome to join development, it might take less effort than writing by hand the code Fakiir is going to generate when it's ready ;) Thanks to Supreet aka Djinn for his advices on string handling and for revamping in me the interest in STL, which i'll be exploring further while developing this software. References ---------- > Links to other projects dealing with code generation: * [RpcGen](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.aix.doc/cmds/aixcmds4/rpcgen.htm) is an almost prehistorical tool to generate rpc code from a language similar to C, with the help of the C pre-processor. It is found even in most ancient UNIX systems. * [Flex](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://www.gnu.org/software/flex/) the **Fast Lexical Analyser Generator** is a tool for generating programs that perform pattern-matching on text. There are many applications for Flex, including writing compilers in conjunction with GNU Bison. Flex is a free implementation of the well known Lex program. It is also used by Fakiir in its C++ lexical analyser. * [SWIG](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://www.swig.org/) the **Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator** is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is used with different types of languages including common scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Tcl/Tk and Ruby. * [CodeWorker](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://codeworker.free.fr/) a **parsing tool and source code generator** is a scriptable tool for code generation which can be trained to recognize and generate arbitrary code. It supports scriptability, extended-BNF notation or tokens for parsing and various methods for generation. * [SLIRP](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://space.mit.edu/%7Emnoble/slirp) the **S-Lang Interface Package** is a C code generator, aimed at simplifying the process of creating modules for the S-Lang scripting language. Using it can dramatically reduce the time and effort required to make C, C++, and FORTRAN code callable directly from the S-Lang interpreter. * [Pluto sql2cpp](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://plutohome.com/support/index.php?section=home&package=203) **C++ classes for mysql** creates a C++ library that makes it very easy to work with a relational database. * [Fistgen](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://www.filesystems.org/fistgen) code generation tool for stackable filesystems * [ArchgenXml](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://plone.org/documentation/archetypes/archgenxml-manual) Plone component code generator from UML * [GenGen](https://web.archive.org/web/20110323010340/http://www.gnu.org/software/gengen/) A parameterized-text-generator generator based on a template Copyleft (C) 2000 - 2004 dyne.org productions and respective authors Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire page is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
Sakrecoer commented 10 months ago


Latest archive is a redirection to http://nimk.nl/eng/research, which still exits. On that page there is a link to an article about freeJ: http://nimk.nl/eng/freej-vision-mixer

In 2005 however, this was a repository for FOSS: https://web.archive.org/web/20051214155103/http://montevideo.dyne.org/

This one could perhaps go to the /software/

Sakrecoer commented 10 months ago


Latest archive show that it was redirected to dyne.org

First archive is from 2002: https://web.archive.org/web/20021129025546/http://tamburine.dyne.org/


remotely controlled audio streaming source


Tamburine aims to be a daemon capable to stream compressed audio files present on your harddisk or on the network (via http) to an icecast server, providing local caching of remote files and full featured playlist handling, being controlled remotely on the net. Tamburine is written in C++ and is a multithreaded application, it implements an XMLRPC API for comunication and includes a simple commandline client.

Latest version is 0.3
released on 31 july 2002

This has to be considered a "middleware" software, which instead of focusing on end users provides a functional API for programmers to develop their own streaming solutions, considered that XMLRPC is supported by a number of high-level languages as PHP, Perl, Python, Java, TCL and even Flash.


The following text files are also included into the source distribution:

  • INSTALL - how to compile and install Tamburine
  • USAGE - how to use Tamburine
  • XMLRPC-API - informations for developers willing to develop an interface communicating with the Tamburine daemon


To succesfully compile and use Tamburine you should have installed the GNU POSIX Threads library (libpthread, likely to be present on every GNU/Linux system) and the XMLRPC-C library mantained by Eric Kidd.


This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the GNU Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with this source code; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


jaromil - developer and mantainer

development is supported by

Download the sourcecode

It is possible to obtain stable releases of Tamburine sourcecode from:


There is also a CVS for development - if you plan to use Tamburine i recommend you download from there and update often - anonymous read access is granted:

cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/muse co tamburine

You can also browse the sourcecode directly on the web



If you find this software useful and you'd like to support its development, please consider to make us a donation!
it's easy and it will help to make this software better in future!

We are available to run formation courses about usage, customization and reuse/abuse of our software in particular circumstances. Also adhoc setup and/or warranty that the software fits to anybody's particular purpose can be requested: we can insure reliable commercial support thanks to our collaboration with PUBLIC VOICE Lab

Feel free to contact hackers @ dyne.org for any further information.

Sakrecoer commented 10 months ago


Boom! https://web.archive.org/web/20070612135444/http://korova.dyne.org/


First archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20000903133021/http://korova.dyne.org/

Seems like @jaromil's software portfolio from the time!

Revealed a new forgotten URL proximity.dyne.org

Sakrecoer commented 10 months ago


A role playing game / interactive book-where-you-are-the-hero, exploring Proximity. Every answer is right. :sweat_smile:


Sakrecoer commented 10 months ago








TUBOCATODICO e' una performance teatrale nella quale la multimedialita' di audio e video elaborati dal vivo interagisce con un attore ed il suo corpo.
La storia mette in scena il quotidiano uso della televisione da parte di uno spettatore qualsiasi, che si trova ad essere testimone di un teatro di interferenze giocato sul suo schermo.
Il flusso scorre attraverso la distorsione in tempo reale di immagini delle TV locali. Nello spazio scenico suoni e colori e forme svelano l'immaginario subliminale nel quale navigano le percezioni dello spettatore; e' un tumulto di onde e correnti a determinare i moti dell'animo immerrso nel teleschermo.

___ ita __ eng ___

Carne vibrazione e silicio in bilico fra la poltrona e la presa di corrente

15 marzo 2003 ROMA
KAOS TOUR! benefit pro autistici/inventati
Strike/NextScola via Umberto Partini 21, Portonaccio
in collaborazione con il Forte, CandidaTV e BugsLab
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16 november 2002 GRAZ
ESC! see you out of tv
inside ESC.mur.at jakoministrasse

21 dicembre 2001 ROMA
festa del solstizio @ C.S.O.A. Forte Prenestino
in collaborazione con candida tv e AvANa.net

23 novembre 2001 BARI (we come from the south!)
Ass.Cult. Anarres, via De Nittis 42
in collaborazione con neural.it e S.C.U.M.


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NOW! tubocatodico_anarres.avi (DivX .AVI 2mins 30secs 12Mb)

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puria commented 9 months ago

@Sakrecoer do you need my help for this? Guess that inserting .md content like other software pages is just fine... or redirects to old links/materials

Sakrecoer commented 9 months ago

@puria as far as i remember, you merged my redirects in trecarte 😅 https://github.com/dyne/trecarte/pull/5

but let me look if something is missing!