Autogenerate slangroom syntax by inserting directly all sentences in grammar/syntax.grammar paying attention to have all the possible choice since parameters do not have a specific position, e.g.
Given I …(send obj1 '' and send obj2 '' and | send obj2 '' and send obj1 '' and)… {phrase}
Moreover a list of all words used in salngroom should be collected and added in the syntax.grammar and generate on the fly the grammar/src/token.js file with all the word.
All this should be done from the file grammar/utils/prepare_complete.mjs (maybe it can change also name since from now on it will be used also for the grammar
Autogenerate slangroom syntax by inserting directly all sentences in grammar/syntax.grammar paying attention to have all the possible choice since parameters do not have a specific position, e.g.
Moreover a list of all words used in salngroom should be collected and added in the syntax.grammar and generate on the fly the
file with all the word.All this should be done from the file
(maybe it can change also name since from now on it will be used also for the grammar