dyne / zenpub

Reflow federated economic network
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Create/Get/List Proposal #40

Open mayel opened 4 years ago

mayel commented 4 years ago

Follows from #15 for more fleshed out Intents

Published requests or offers, sometimes with what is expected in return.

type Proposal {
  id: ID!

  An informal or formal textual identifier for a proposal. Does not imply uniqueness.
  name: String

  """The beginning time of proposal publication."""
  hasBeginning: DateTime

  """The end time of proposal publication."""
  hasEnd: DateTime

  Grouping around something to create a boundary or context, used for documenting, accounting, planning.
  inScopeOf: [AccountingScope!]

  This proposal contains unit based quantities, which can be multipied to create
  commitments; commonly seen in a price list or e-commerce.
  unitBased: Boolean

  """The date and time the proposal was created."""
  created: DateTime

  """A textual description or comment."""
  note: String
  publishes: [ProposedIntent!]
  publishedTo: [ProposedTo!]

  """Location or area where the proposal is valid."""
  eligibleLocation: SpatialThing