dynobo / normcap

OCR powered screen-capture tool to capture information instead of images
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Text not always copied to clipboard #657

Open some1ataplace opened 3 weeks ago

some1ataplace commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?

/tmp/.mount_NormCaEsSVNY/AppRun: line 11: 281245 Segmentation fault "${APPDIR}/usr/python/bin/python3" -u -s -X utf8 -c "import runpy, sys; sys.path.pop(0); runpy.run_module('${BRIEFCASE_MAIN_MODULE}', run_name='main', alter_sys=True)" "$@"

Sometimes text is not always copied to the clipboard. Other times, I still get the previous copy and not the current copy. This happens with the app image. Running the app image in debug mode causes the problem to occur less frequently.

How did you install NormCap?

AppImage (Linux)

Operating System + Version?

Debian 12

[Linux only] Display Server (DS) + Desktop environment (DE)?

No response

Debug log output?*

./NormCap-0.5.8-x86_64.AppImage -v debug
01:37:51 - INFO    - normcap:50 - Start NormCap v0.5.8
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap:107 - Append /tmp/.mount_NormCaNRdy9a/usr/bin to AppImage internal PATH
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.tray:70 - System info:
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.settings:162 - Skip update of non existing setting (show_introduction: None)
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.settings:162 - Skip update of non existing setting (cli_mode: False)
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.settings:162 - Skip update of non existing setting (background_mode: False)
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.settings:162 - Skip update of non existing setting (clipboard_handler: None)
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.tray:384 - Listen on local socket v0.5.8-normcap.
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.screengrab.main:21 - Compatible capture handlers: ['QT', 'DBUS_PORTAL', 'DBUS_SHELL']
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.screengrab.main:28 - Available capture handlers: ['QT', 'DBUS_PORTAL', 'DBUS_SHELL']
01:37:51 - INFO    - normcap.screengrab.main:67 - Screen captured using QT
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.utils:22 - Save debug image as /tmp/normcap/2024-06-08_05-37-51_raw_screen0.png
01:37:51 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.utils:22 - Save debug image as /tmp/normcap/2024-06-08_05-37-51_raw_screen1.png
01:37:52 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.window:51 - Create window for screen 0
01:37:52 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.window:141 - Set window of screen 0 to fullscreen
01:37:52 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.window:51 - Create window for screen 1
01:37:52 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.window:141 - Set window of screen 1 to fullscreen
01:37:52 - DEBUG   - normcap:183 - [QT] qtwarningmsg - qsystemtrayicon::setvisible: no icon set
01:37:52 - DEBUG   - normcap.ocr.tesseract:24 - Executing '/tmp/.mount_NormCaNRdy9a/usr/bin/tesseract --list-langs --tessdata-dir /home/user/.config/normcap/tessdata'
01:37:52 - DEBUG   - normcap.ocr.tesseract:37 - Tesseract command output: List of available languages in "/home/user/.config/normcap/tessdata/" (1): ¬ eng ¬
01:37:54 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.tray:350 - Hide 2 windows
01:37:54 - INFO    - normcap.gui.tray:242 - Crop image to region (845, 119, 1353, 920)
01:37:54 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.utils:22 - Save debug image as /tmp/normcap/2024-06-08_05-37-54_cropped.png
01:37:55 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.tray:267 - Start OCR
01:37:55 - DEBUG   - normcap.ocr.enhance:84 - Scale image x2
01:37:55 - DEBUG   - normcap.ocr.enhance:57 - Pad image by 80px
01:37:55 - DEBUG   - normcap.ocr.recognize:34 - Run Tesseract on image of size (1178, 1764) with args:
TessArgs(tessdata_path=PosixPath('/home/user/.config/normcap/tessdata'), lang='eng', oem=<OEM.DEFAULT: 3>, psm=<PSM.AUTO: 3>)
01:37:55 - DEBUG   - normcap.ocr.tesseract:24 - Executing '/tmp/.mount_NormCaNRdy9a/usr/bin/tesseract /tmp/tmpm4lkll2x/normcap_tesseract_input.png /tmp/tmpm4lkll2x/normcap_tesseract_input.png -c tessedit_create_tsv=1 -l eng --oem 3 --psm 3 --tessdata-dir /home/user/.config/normcap/tessdata -c tessedit_write_images=1 -c tessedit_dump_pageseg_images=1'
01:37:56 - DEBUG   - normcap.ocr.tesseract:37 - Tesseract command output: 
01:37:56 - DEBUG   - normcap.ocr.tesseract:67 - Skip moving file to temp dir, it does not exist: /tmp/tmpm4lkll2x/normcap_tesseract_input.png.png_debug.pdf
01:37:56 - DEBUG   - normcap.ocr.recognize:43 - OCR result:
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.tray:328 - Copy text to clipboard
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.windll:187 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.windll is incompatible on non-Windows systems
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.pbcopy:23 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.pbcopy is incompatible on non-macOS systems
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.qtclipboard:38 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.qtclipboard is compatible
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.wlclipboard:34 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.wlclipboard is not compatible on non-Linux systems and on Linux w/o Wayland
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.xsel:36 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.xsel is compatible
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.xclip:42 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.xclip is compatible
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.main:73 - Compatible clipboard handlers: ['QT', 'XSEL', 'XCLIP']
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.qtclipboard:43 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.qtclipboard requires no dependencies
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.xsel:45 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.xsel dependencies are installed (/tmp/.mount_NormCaNRdy9a/usr/bin/xsel)
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.xclip:51 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.xclip dependencies are installed (/tmp/.mount_NormCaNRdy9a/usr/bin/xclip)
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.main:80 - Available clipboard handlers: ['QT', 'XSEL', 'XCLIP']
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.clipboard.handlers.qtclipboard:38 - normcap.clipboard.handlers.qtclipboard is compatible
01:37:57 - INFO    - normcap.clipboard.main:35 - Text copied to clipboard using QT
01:37:57 - DEBUG   - normcap.gui.notification:173 - Send notification via QT
/tmp/.mount_NormCaNRdy9a/AppRun: line 11: 282168 Segmentation fault      "${APPDIR}/usr/python/bin/python3" -u -s -X utf8 -c "import runpy, sys; sys.path.pop(0); runpy.run_module('${BRIEFCASE_MAIN_MODULE}', run_name='__main__', alter_sys=True)" "$@"