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trying to get this working on the cluster #64

Open dpschreiner opened 4 years ago

dpschreiner commented 4 years ago

I am submitting this job on our cluster using slurm with:

models <- dynwrap::infer_trajectories(
  method = list(ti_slingshot(), ti_mst(), ti_slice(), ti_pcreode())

and this is returned to me. is it normal for the protocol string for singularity to say docker?

Running singularity exec 'docker://dynverse/ti_slingshot:v1.0.3' echo hi

Error in processx::run("singularity", c("exec", paste0("docker://", container_id),  : 
  System command error
Calls: <Anonymous> ... create_ti_method_container -> <Anonymous> -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
$ singularity --version
singularity version 3.3.0-1.el7
zouter commented 4 years ago

Hmmm that's weird! You have the correct singularity version for sure. Could you try to run singularity exec 'docker://dynverse/ti_slingshot:v1.0.3' echo hi in the command line and see what that gives as output? It might be that some singularity syntax changed in recent releases...

dpschreiner commented 4 years ago

ah, OK. it seems to be working there. i think on the cluster there is no external internet access by default. will follow up with the admins - thanks!

dpschreiner commented 4 years ago

Hmmm that's weird! You have the correct singularity version for sure. Could you try to run singularity exec 'docker://dynverse/ti_slingshot:v1.0.3' echo hi in the command line and see what that gives as output? It might be that some singularity syntax changed in recent releases...

actually: where can i access the ti_* images so i can download them manually?

zouter commented 4 years ago

Alright, makes sense! If you run singularity exec 'docker://dynverse/ti_slingshot:v1.0.3' echo hi (as an example), singularity will store them inside .singularity. You can transfer these to the cluster and specify your singularity cache dir using:

config <- babelwhale::create_singularity_config(cache_dir = "YOUR SINGULARITY CACHE DIR")

This should work, but happy to help further!

dpschreiner commented 4 years ago

OK, now i'm hitting this issue from babelwhale:

Error in save(config, file = config_file, compress = "gz") : 
  'compress = "gz"' is invalid

perhaps just setting compress = TRUE would be sufficient?

dpschreiner commented 4 years ago

OK, i set permanent=FALSE there and still it's not finding the containers. what should the cache_dir actually contain? in other issues i see some manual commands that refer to the .sif file. in my ~/.singularity i have:

$ find . -name '*sif'

i.e. the sif files are all in oci-tmp. i tried symlinking to them from the cache dir, still didn't work. do i need a separate config setting for each sif? then i would have to loop through methods, which isn't a problem. here is what i'm running, where MY_HOME_DIR is a full path:

# this is where the containers were downloaded
config <- babelwhale::create_singularity_config(cache_dir = "MY_HOME_DIR/.singularity/cache")
babelwhale::set_default_config(config, permanent=FALSE)

models <- list()
for (meth in methods_selected) {
  models[[meth]] <- dynwrap::infer_trajectory(dataset, get(paste0('ti_', meth))(), give_priors = c("groups_id"), verbose = TRUE)
dpschreiner commented 4 years ago

sorry, i can't seem to be able to find further details here - would you be able to assist?

dpschreiner commented 4 years ago

how can i assess whether my singularity cache is correctly set up?

$ cd ~
$ find .singularity | grep -v blobs
rcannood commented 4 years ago

OK, now i'm hitting this issue from babelwhale:

Error in save(config, file = config_file, compress = "gz") : 
  'compress = "gz"' is invalid

perhaps just setting compress = TRUE would be sufficient?

If you were still having this issue with permanent = TRUE, could it be that babelwhale was not updated yet? devtools::install_github("dynverse/babelwhale")

rcannood commented 4 years ago

how can i assess whether my singularity cache is correctly set up?

This looks OK to me. Yesterday I pulled all of the ti_* images by running the following command in R:

dynwrap::get_ti_methods(evaluate = TRUE)

Afterwards, this is what my singularity cache looks like:

-bash-4.2$ find .singularity_cache | grep -v blobs
rcannood commented 4 years ago

here is what i'm running, where MY_HOME_DIR is a full path:

config <- babelwhale::create_singularity_config(cache_dir = "MY_HOME_DIR/.singularity/cache")
babelwhale::set_default_config(config, permanent=FALSE)

models <- list() for (meth in methods_selected) { models[[meth]] <- dynwrap::infertrajectory(dataset, get(paste0('ti', meth))(), give_priors = c("groups_id"), verbose = TRUE) }

This looks like it should work. If meth is a character, you might as well just run `dynwrap::infer_trajectory(dataset, meth, give_priors = "groups_id", verbose = TRUE)` and dynwrap will look up the corresponding ti_xxx function by running `dynwrap::get_ti_methods()`

If you set up your cache in the way that you did, and you try to run `ti_slingshot()`, what output do you get?
dpschreiner commented 4 years ago

i get the same error as initially reported on STDERR at the beginning of this issue:

> model <- dynwrap::infer_trajectory(dataset, 'slingshot', give_priors = c("groups_id"), 
                                     verbose = TRUE)
Running singularity exec 'docker://dynverse/ti_slingshot:v1.0.3' echo hi
Error in processx::run("singularity", c("exec", paste0("docker://", container_id),  :
  System command error
beruhdejene commented 4 years ago

Hi all, Running to similar issues here. I have tried the above suggestions to specify singularity cache dir. I have looked at the other thread as well (#44) but still hitting the same wall. I appreciate Screen Shot 2020-05-08 at 2 44 23 PM the help.

Running singularity exec 'docker://dynverse/ti_slingshot:v1.0.3' echo hi Error in processx::run("singularity", c("exec", paste0("docker://", container_id),