dynverse / dyno

Inferring, interpreting and visualising trajectories using a streamlined set of packages 🦕
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No return model #83

Closed ateissan closed 4 years ago

ateissan commented 4 years ago


I am trying to run dynverse with singularity but nothing is stored in the object after infer_trajectory function. Do I need to set up a specific parameter?

Thanks for your help, Aurélie

ateissan commented 4 years ago

Singularity seems to work fine :

dynwrap::test_singularity_installation(detailed = TRUE) ✔ Singularity is installed ✔ Singularity is at correct version (>=3.0): 3.5.2 is installed ✔ Singularity can pull and run a container from Dockerhub ✔ Singularity can mount temporary volumes ✔ Singularity test successful ------------------------------------------------------------ [1] TRUE

zouter commented 4 years ago

Hi @ateissan

Could you try to run it with verbose = TRUE and provide us with the output? Thanks!

ateissan commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this comment. The hdf5r package was not installed. Now it's working