dynverse / dynwrap

A common data format and inference environment for single-cell trajectories 📦
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Pseudotime calculation after rooting produces Inf scores #139

Closed jma1991 closed 4 years ago

jma1991 commented 5 years ago

After calculating a trajectory and changing the root milestone I want to colour the trajectory by the pseudotime:

plot_dimred(mod, "pseudotime", pseudotime = calculate_pseudotime(mod))

However, the pseudotime scores for cells in a particular branch returned by the calculate_pseudotime function are infinite:


I assumed that pseudotime would be calculated from the root milestone in either direction?

Package versions:

rcannood commented 4 years ago

This is indeed not supposed to happen!

Could you give me a minimum reproducible example? I can't seem to replicate it with an example of my own.

Kind regards, Robrecht

mod <- dyntoy::generate_dataset(
  model = dyntoy::model_multifurcating(num_branchpoints = 1, max_degree = 4)
  pseudotime = calculate_pseudotime(mod), 
  label_milestones = TRUE

Screenshot from 2019-10-11 16-51-22

mod2 <- mod %>% add_root(root_milestone_id = "M4")
  pseudotime = calculate_pseudotime(mod2), 
  label_milestones = TRUE

Screenshot from 2019-10-11 16-51-30

jma1991 commented 4 years ago

Sure, here is a link to an example dataset and script to reproduce the problem: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1uh7ilwujfai2o5/AACJaPTR0cW8102fFSYGI94-a?dl=0

Thanks, James

rcannood commented 4 years ago

Thanks for bringing this bug to light! The problem only occurred when calculating pseudotime of a trajectory where the root milestone has more than one transition. The devel branch should solve your problem. At the next release of dynwrap, the bug fix will be merged into the master branch :)

jma1991 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix, many thanks!

rcannood commented 4 years ago

You're welcome :)

Just a quick demonstration:


sce <- readRDS("~/Downloads/dynverse/example.rds")
dat <- wrap_expression(
  expression = t(logcounts(sce)),
  counts = t(counts(sce)),

mod <- infer_trajectory(dat, "slingshot", seed = 1701)
before <- plot_dimred(mod, label_milestones = TRUE, pseudotime = calculate_pseudotime(mod))

mod2 <- add_root(mod, root_milestone_id = "1")
after <- plot_dimred(mod2, label_milestones = TRUE, pseudotime = calculate_pseudotime(mod))

patchwork::wrap_plots(before + labs(title = "Before rooting"), after + labs(title = "After rooting"))
ggsave("~/plot.png", width = 8, height = 4)
