dyoo / WeScheme

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above is returning the wrong kind of image #27

Closed dyoo closed 12 years ago

dyoo commented 13 years ago

Reported by Blake Johnson:

The following code produces an image that doesn't line up right in WeScheme but it does in DrRacket:

(define HEIGHT 200) (define WIDTH (* 1.9 HEIGHT)) (define STRIPE-HEIGHT (/ HEIGHT 13)) (define UNION-HEIGHT (* 7 STRIPE-HEIGHT)) (define UNION-WIDTH (* 2/5 WIDTH)) (define STAR-VERTICAL-SPACING (/ UNION-HEIGHT 10)) (define STAR-HORIZONTAL-SPACING (/ UNION-WIDTH 12)) (define STAR-DIAMETER (* 0.0616 HEIGHT))

(define (stripe color) (rectangle WIDTH STRIPE-HEIGHT "solid" color))

(define (stripe/pos i) (if (even? i) (stripe "red") (stripe "white")))

(define stripes (apply above (build-list 13 stripe/pos)))

(define union (rectangle UNION-WIDTH UNION-HEIGHT "solid" "blue"))

(define flag (overlay/xy union 0 0 stripes))


Particularly (image-height stripes) returns 195.43622295673077 when it should be 200.

dyoo commented 12 years ago

Should be mostly fixed in our development version, though WeScheme still reports the wrong image-height (195, rather than 200).