It would be amazing to have all the source books as selectable filter.
Let me extrapolate :
For a long time, PF2 Secrets of Magic hasn't been officially translated to french ; but the APG did.
However, when I filtered on "Source = Advanced rules" in the translator, I saw lines from both the APG AND Secrets of Magic : that I don't have officially translated in french.
So I would like to be able to select a specific source book when filtering the translator entries
It would be amazing to have all the source books as selectable filter. Let me extrapolate : For a long time, PF2 Secrets of Magic hasn't been officially translated to french ; but the APG did.
However, when I filtered on "Source = Advanced rules" in the translator, I saw lines from both the APG AND Secrets of Magic : that I don't have officially translated in french.
So I would like to be able to select a specific source book when filtering the translator entries