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Nifi-registry not able Intregrate with Gitlab #253

Open Rachitgupta12-code opened 11 months ago

Rachitgupta12-code commented 11 months ago

file: enabled: true

-- the path in the running pod where the git repo will be cloned into

# either absolute or relative to the container working directory, which is NIFI_REGISTRY_HOME
# If you elect to use a non-default location, you must also update the property associated.

flowProvider: git: enabled: true

Repository to be cloned at pod startup

# Sets NIFI_REGISTRY_GIT_REMOTE for update_flow_provider.sh
remote: origin
# Sets NIFI_REGISTRY_GIT_USER for update_flow_provider.sh
# Sets NIFI_REGISTRY_GIT_PASSWORD for update_flow_provider.sh

I use this configuration in the nifi registry to connect with gitlab but it's not work In the storage directory add the repo name with ./ In the URL section add the repo https URL Add the Username and Password .In the Password section add the token of our gitlab

Please suggest a way to integrate the nifi-registry with gitlab

dimitri995 commented 8 months ago


I try this configuration and it doesn't work too.

Have you found a solution ?

lfreinag commented 5 months ago

I have the same problem. Any solutions yet?

NechiHeni commented 1 month ago

anyone found a solution?

lfreinag commented 1 month ago

I managed to integrate this with the user and a HTTP access token as password. I am using bit bucket but it might be the same issue with Gitlab. Hope it helps! 🙌

dimitri995 commented 1 week ago


Now it's working fine. Can you verify if you try to commit your flow version from NiFi, if you kill your NiFi pod, take a look if there is a push on your gitlab repo.

If it doesn't work, try to uncomment some properties below gitlab. I can't access what I did now. I will paste my config when I will have access

dimitri995 commented 14 hours ago

Hi all,

Sorry for the late of my response. This is my actual config for Registry and it's working fine.

    ## If true, install the Nifi registry
    enabled: true
    url: ""
    port: 18080
        enabled: true
        url: https://#####################/nifi-flow-preview.git
        remote: origin
        user: ###
        password: ##########
        # The secret name can be used to supply your own SSH key:
        # 1. Generate a SSH key named identity:
        #      ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f ./identity
        # 2. Create a Kubernetes secret:
        #      kubectl -n nifi-registry create secret generic nifi-registry-git-deploy --from-file=./identity
        # 3. Don't check these key files into your Git repository! Once you've created
        #    the Kubernetes secret, Delete the private key:
        #      rm ./identity
        # 4. Add ./identity.pub as a deployment key with write access in your Git repo
        # 5. Set the secret name (default: nifi-registry-git-deploy) below
        # Global Git configuration See https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config for more details.
          enabled: false
          secretName: ""
          data: ""
          # data: |
          #   [credential "https://github.com"]
          #           username = foo
        enabled: false
        driverURL: https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download/
        fileName: postgresql-42.2.6.jar
        driverClass: org.postgresql.Driver
        url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/nifireg
        username: nifitest
        password: nifitest
        ## Add values for the nifi-registry here
        ## ref: https://github.com/dysnix/charts/blob/main/dysnix/nifi-registry/values.yaml
