dyuri / xontrib-langenv

pyenv integration for xonsh
MIT License
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Getting command not found `ForeignShellFunctionAlias(extra_args=(), funcname='pyenv', shell='bash')` #9

Closed jd-solanki closed 2 years ago

jd-solanki commented 2 years ago

Thanks for resolving the last issue, I was facing. After the latest version and the new system I am getting mentioned error:

xonsh: For full traceback set: $XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK = True
xonsh: subprocess mode: command not found: ForeignShellFunctionAlias(extra_args=(), funcname='pyenv', shell='bash')
foreignshellfunctionalias(extra_args=(), funcname='pyenv', shell='bash'): command not found
xonsh: For full traceback set: $XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK = True
xonsh: subprocess mode: command not found: ForeignShellFunctionAlias(extra_args=(), funcname='pyenv', shell='bash')
foreignshellfunctionalias(extra_args=(), funcname='pyenv', shell='bash'): command not found
xonsh: For full traceback set: $XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK = True
xonsh: subprocess mode: command not found: ForeignShellFunctionAlias(extra_args=(), funcname='pyenv', shell='bash')
foreignshellfunctionalias(extra_args=(), funcname='pyenv', shell='bash'): command not found


Any guesses?

Thanks :)

dyuri commented 2 years ago

Do you have pyenv in your $PATH?

jd-solanki commented 2 years ago

in bash? yes


my ~/.xonshrc:

# Thanks: https://github.com/anki-code/awesome-xonshrc
# Cheatsheet: https://github.com/anki-code/xonsh-cheatsheet
# Bash to xonsh: https://xon.sh/bash_to_xsh.html

# 🤔 Is this correct?
source-bash ~/.bashrc

# The SQLite history backend saves command immediately 
# unlike JSON backend that save the commands at the end of the session.

# What commands are saved to the history list. By default all commands are saved. 
# * The option ‘ignoredups’ will not save the command if it matches the previous command.
# * The option `erasedups` will remove all previous commands that matches and updates the command frequency. 
#   The minus of `erasedups` is that the history of every session becomes unrepeatable 
#   because it will have a lack of the command you repeat in another session.
# Docs: https://xonsh.github.io/envvars.html#histcontrol

# Remove front dot in multiline input to make the code copy-pastable.

# Avoid typing cd just directory path. 
# Docs: https://xonsh.github.io/envvars.html#auto-cd
$AUTO_CD = True

# Globbing files with “*” or “**” will also match dotfiles, or those ‘hidden’ files whose names begin with a literal ‘.’. 
# Note! This affects also on rsync and other tools.

# Don't clear the screen after quitting a manual page.
$MANPAGER = "less -X"
$LESS = "--ignore-case --quit-if-one-screen --quit-on-intr FRXQ"

# ==================================================================================
#  Xontribs
#  -------------------------
#  Official list - https://xon.sh/xontribs.html
#  Github topic with thumbnails - https://github.com/topics/xontrib
# ==================================================================================

_xontribs = [
if _xontribs:
    xontrib load @(_xontribs)

# ==================================================================================
# -- Aliases
# ==================================================================================

# cd-ing shortcuts.
aliases['.'] = 'cd ..'
aliases['..'] = 'cd ../..'
aliases['...'] = 'cd ../../..'
aliases['....'] = 'cd ../../../..'

# This is already in .bash_aliases
# List all files: sorted, with colors, directories will be first (Midnight Commander style).
aliases['ll'] = "$LC_COLLATE='C' ls --group-directories-first -lAh --color @($args)"

# Make directory and cd into it.
# Example: md /tmp/my/awesome/dir/will/be/here
aliases['md'] = 'mkdir -p $arg0 && cd $arg0'

# Using rsync instead of cp to get the progress and speed of copying.
aliases['cp'] = ['rsync', '--progress', '--recursive', '--archive']

# Grepping string occurrences recursively starting from current directory.
# Example: cd ~/git/xonsh && greps environ
aliases['greps'] = 'grep -ri'

# Copy output to current clipboard using xclip
# Example: echo hello | clp
aliases['clp'] = 'xclip -sel clip'    

# SSH: Suppress "Connection close" message.
aliases['ssh'] = 'ssh -o LogLevel=QUIET'

# Run http server in the current directory.
aliases['http'] = 'python3 -m http.server'

# Open directory in file manager from terminal
aliases['='] = 'xdg-open'

# Activates poetry environnent without writing env dir path
aliases['env-pa'] = 'source @$(poetry env info -p)/bin/activate'

# This is already in .bash_aliases
# git: Beautify git log
# aliases['glog'] = "git log --color --graph --date=format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'"

# Generates random password
aliases['gen-pass'] = "openssl rand -base64 20"

# Get external ip of your system
aliases['ex-ip'] = 'curl ipblue.io/ip'

# Get ip of system
aliases['ip'] = 'hostname -I'

# nginx: Check syntax
aliases['nx-syntax'] = 'sudo nginx -t'

# nginx: restart nginx
aliases['nx-re'] = 'sudo systemctl restart nginx'

# Shorthand for checking status of service
aliases['service-status'] = 'sudo systemctl status'

# Download gitignore from https://github.com/github/gitignore by name
# aliases['gignore'] = 'f(){ wget -q "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/gitignore/main/$@.gitignore"; mv "$@.gitignore" .gitignore; unset -f f; }; f'

# Yarn: Add upgrade alias
aliases['yui'] = "yarn upgrade-interactive --latest"

# Node: Remove node_modules related files
aliases['rmnode'] = 'rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock package-lock.json'
dyuri commented 2 years ago

No, in xonsh without the xontrib loaded. But it should be, since you load your .bashrc.

dyuri commented 2 years ago

Ahh, you source your bashrc, which also have pyenv settings. They might conflict with this xontrib.

jd-solanki commented 2 years ago

Is sourcing the bashrc bad thing?

dyuri commented 2 years ago

I don't know, but defining the same aliases in both .bashrc and .xonshrc (in this case in a xontrib) might cause issues.

dyuri commented 2 years ago

You can also try to remove the pyenv initialization from your .bashrc and check if it works that way.

jd-solanki commented 2 years ago

I removed sourcing .bashrc and everything is working fine.
