Closed ComMouse closed 6 years ago
cat .blogignore
@arrowrowe 希望咩可以给我们科普下啥是深度学习 @at15 希望婶婶可以给我们科普下时序数据库的发展
@gaocegege 希望策策给我们科普一下 processing 除了好看有什么其他优点 /w\
start working on the tsdb one /w/
And @gaocegege we should have more detail labels for issue, and maybe milestone for each quarter btw: @ComMouse should encourage new comers (if any) to participate in those things, haven't look at gitlab for a while, guess there isn't much change since last time....
@at15 Now considering an introduction to the rasterization process in CG....
@ComMouse 工业豆腿 /w/ 给你带来 IMAX gal ....
@JasonQSY 要不要来玩 stellaris 啊 /w
@at15 婶婶也玩吗
@at15 Processing 这个,Scott 应该比我懂 =。=
我只知道 Processing 是怎么实现的,怎么用 Processing 实现很漂亮的动画,那就不会了
@JasonQSY 玩啊玩啊 /w\
@gaocegege .... @scottsun94
@at15 好啊来玩啊 😄
I think I'll talk about subtyping in type system and how to implement the type checker in TAPL, current progress can be found in, a preview of the notebook can be found in (github's render has some problem, but it is still readable)
I think we should add issue labels and create new issues for pending post ideas? cc @gaocegege
I have added issue labels area/*
and tagged existing PRs (see #28 as example), feel free to add more and update the status label, cc @gaocegege @ComMouse , I will close this issue now.
Since a semester has ended, we might put some interesting posts in various fields like Web, Distributed System, Fancy Toys, etc. Posts on our blog should be hence encouraged, both to skilled students and freshmen.
A series of tutorials, in my personal view, could be an alternative start.
@JasonQSY @gaocegege @vinx13