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:page_facing_up: :cn: :page_with_curl: 论文阅读笔记(分布式系统、虚拟化、机器学习)Papers Notebook (Distributed System, Virtualization, Machine Learning)
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Phoenix: A Constraint-aware Scheduler for Heterogeneous Datacenters #28

Open gaocegege opened 6 years ago

gaocegege commented 6 years ago



at15 commented 6 years ago


gaocegege commented 6 years ago

这篇文章是讲如何设计一个对 Constraint 友好的调度器的. 在这里 Constraint 概念就是用户额外书写的对 QoS, 或者任务运行环境的一些个性化设定, 比如要跑在 GPU 或者 FPGA 上等等.

它最大的贡献是提出了一个 Constraint Resource Vector 的概念:

The CRV of a node is a vector of node resources represented as <cpu, mem, disk, os, clock, net_bandwidth>. For every node, the CRV_Monitor calculates the ratio of demand and supply for every constraint per heartbeat interval and updates the CRV_Lookup_Table.

Using this information we further estimate the waiting time (E[W]) for every queue using Pollaczek-Khinchin M/G/1 queuing theory model based estimator.

screenshot from 2017-11-27 13-16-01

它们用了排队论来估计等待时间, 并且基于 Constraint Resource Vector 去做任务的重排序. 最后它的 evaluation 是用 simulation 的方式做的, 虽然用了三个 trace, 但是我还是对它持怀疑态度.