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:page_facing_up: :cn: :page_with_curl: 论文阅读笔记(分布式系统、虚拟化、机器学习)Papers Notebook (Distributed System, Virtualization, Machine Learning)
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VM Live Migration At Scale #70

Open gaocegege opened 6 years ago

gaocegege commented 6 years ago


gaocegege commented 6 years ago

悲伤的是,我的 bot 不工作了

at15 commented 6 years ago

patpat cece

gaocegege commented 6 years ago

VMs in GCE run under the Borg cluster manager; each virtual machine runs in its own container as a single Borg task. Tasks running under Borg are typically designed to be restarted at any time. For example, Borg optimizes for utilization and evicts jobs for better bin packing [16]. Host software upgrades are also frequent and cause termination or restart of every task on the host. Borg focuses on the overall uptime of a service that is composed of many relatively stateless instances. This focus is not a perfect fit for virtual machines, which are highly stateful and individually important.

gaocegege commented 6 years ago

这篇文章是在 Borg 系统上如何支持 VM 在线迁移的一个实现,基于 Borg 又实现了很多个 component 来支持这件事,值得一读。目前来看 VM 在 Borg 上的支持是通过 VM in a container 来实现的,具体也没细说。