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Weekly/53 for 2016/10/05 #108

Open ComMouse opened 7 years ago

ComMouse commented 7 years ago

2016/10/5, 第十二循环第一次, 总第五十三期 -> @swaylq


at15 commented 7 years ago

提前祝大家国庆快乐 \w/

at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
gaocegege commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/521xueweihan/HelloGithub github月刊少女

gaocegege commented 7 years ago

https://mlh.io/events 全球学生Hackathon列表

kdplus commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
kdplus commented 7 years ago

@at15 我昨天也看到了,但是我不明白我是怎么关注的他微波 http://weibo.com/tlaster?refer_flag=1001030103_&is_all=1#1475309651413

at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago

Late last year, I wrote my thoughts on what the architecture of modern functional programs should look like. Since then, I’ve had a chance to read responses, look at equivalent architectures built upon Monad Transformers Library (MTL), and even talk about my recent experiments at LambdaConf 2016. The result is a sequel to my original post, which consists of a newly-minted, tricked-out recommendation for architecting modern functional programs, along with new ways of thinking about the structure of this architecture.

cc @xplorld @mrmiywj @gaocegege

at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago

cc @xsfour

at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago

stay committed, don’t burnout.

at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago
aploium commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA A modern rebuilt for the classic Red Alert (红警) Red Aert

at15 commented 7 years ago
gaocegege commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/google/pepper.js 谷歌有一个黑魔法,在浏览器里运行Native代码,就是c和cpp。需要使用修改过的gnu工具链或者是llvm工具链,来编译代码。其中Pepper是JS跟Native代码交互的一个关键,这个黑魔法叫做NaCl

gaocegege commented 7 years ago


可以把cpp编译成LLVM的中间代码,然后翻译成js,asm.js是js的一个子集。这样翻译出来的asm.js效率可以做到只比Native app差一倍


gaocegege commented 7 years ago

re @at15 类型驱动是啥意思啊

gaocegege commented 7 years ago

https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo BDD Testing Framework for Go Go的一个BDD style的基于go test的测试框架,用过,很棒,侵入性很小。

at15 commented 7 years ago

@gaocegege BDD 跟 https://github.com/stretchr/testify 这种有什么区别? 另外golang 1.7 里的test也加强了,支持像junit那样的suite,每个测试前后跑一些东西。我感觉Ayi可以放弃支持 golang 1.6 了 /w\

and type driven? 好像听说过,具体不知道.....

gaocegege commented 7 years ago

re @at15

var _ = Describe("Book", func() {
    var (
        longBook  Book
        shortBook Book

    BeforeEach(func() {
        longBook = Book{
            Title:  "Les Miserables",
            Author: "Victor Hugo",
            Pages:  1488,

        shortBook = Book{
            Title:  "Fox In Socks",
            Author: "Dr. Seuss",
            Pages:  24,

    Describe("Categorizing book length", func() {
        Context("With more than 300 pages", func() {
            It("should be a novel", func() {

        Context("With fewer than 300 pages", func() {
            It("should be a short story", func() {
                Expect(shortBook.CategoryByLength()).To(Equal("SHORT STORY"))
at15 commented 7 years ago

@gaocegege 策策起好早!

gaocegege commented 7 years ago

re @at15 生活要健康嘛

arrowrowe commented 7 years ago

The BDD styles are expect and should.

BDD - Chai Assertion Library

cc @at15

gaocegege commented 7 years ago



aploium commented 7 years ago


gaocegege commented 7 years ago

re @aploium 一开始看到分词成了 Github Contributionsi OS = =

at15 commented 7 years ago
at15 commented 7 years ago

we should have ce-selected @gaocegege

at15 commented 7 years ago
ComMouse commented 7 years ago

Weekly locked. Please go to #109.

arrowrowe commented 7 years ago

@swaylq \w

swaylq commented 7 years ago


arrowrowe commented 7 years ago

@swaylq \w