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Weekly for 2016/01/06 #31

Closed arrowrowe closed 8 years ago

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

2016/01/06, 第三循环第二次, 总第十四期 -> @swaylq (由 @at15 代理)


arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

It's important for programmers to challenge themselves.

Creative and technical stagnation is the only alternative.

In the spirit of the new year, I've compiled twelve month-sized resolutions.

Each month is an annually renewable technical or personal challenge:

  • Go analog.
  • Stay healthy.
  • Embrace the uncomfortable.
  • Learn a new programming language.
  • Automate.
  • Learn more mathematics.
  • Focus on security.
  • Back up your data.
  • Learn more theory.
  • Engage the arts and humanities.
  • Learn new software.
  • Complete a personal project.

Read on for my suggestions.

cc @gaocegege @at15

at15 commented 8 years ago

好想召唤最前proxy @gaocegege 然而应该已经在网吧了吧

gaocegege commented 8 years ago


at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago
arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

推荐 5 MIN QUICKSTART, 亲测可以跑......

at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe 咩起了!

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Dependency resolution depends on install order, or the order in which things are installed will change the node_modules directory tree structure. A simple case is,

npm v3 Dependency Resolution

More complicated cases are discussed in npm3 Duplication and Deduplication, introducing the npm dedupe command.

Node.js and npm for the Windows Developer

at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe 卧槽这个有点屌... 感觉要黑转粉了

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

webtorrent: Streaming torrent client for the web.

WebTorrent 是一个可工作在node.js和浏览器的流BT客户端。它完全采用JavaScript开发,在浏览器中WebTorrent使用WebRTC (data channels) 来进行p2p传输。它可以不使用浏览器插件,扩展或安装。只有JavaScript。


at15 commented 8 years ago

@gaocegege 出来很久了,但是它磁盘操作速度限制了下载速度,不知道后面改进没有,有个repo叫做疯狂的webrtc什么的,里面各种用webrtc实现的神奇的东西, repo 名字我忘了...

gaocegege commented 8 years ago


at15 commented 8 years ago

@gaocegege 恩,在浏览器里话跟浏览器里对应的api有关系吧,node环境下都是v8, io应该不是太大的问题。不知道它在浏览器里是怎么做的。很久以前readme里有提到过,不过我刚才看了一下现在已经没有了

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

似乎是一个组织, 并且他们说 'We mostly program in Scala and Javascript'.........

cc @gaocegege

at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe 似乎是个新闻网站的开发部门?

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

re @at15 我一直有个问题啊,浏览器里的js能读写文件么

at15 commented 8 years ago

@gaocegege 读文件我用过, 比如上传图片的时候预览就是用 fille reader 读出来然后把 img 的 src 设置成 data base64 ... 但是写文件我猜应该是有局限的,读必须是用户在input里选过的文件才可以,不能指定一个路径随便读。而且,似乎这个已经被w3c放弃了.... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19744155/writing-file-to-desktop-using-html5-filesystem-api

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

@at15 soga,现在的localstorage是为了解决写文件的问题么~

at15 commented 8 years ago

@gaocegege localstroage 是为了解决

  1. cookie 太小
  2. 需要在客户端持久化一些东西, 比如设置
  3. 你甚至可以用 localstorage 来存前端的 js 和 css
  4. 可以用来在 tab 页面之间通讯! 同去的消息,如果你在一个页面点了已读, 其他所有已经打开的页面的 tab 都会变成已读, 当然你可以把这个步骤做到 server 端, gh 明显是没有做这个处理的, 它只有未读的push, 所以会出现看见有蓝点, 但是点进去 notify 是空。不过 gh 的 realtime 基本让人感觉不到 ....
at15 commented 8 years ago

百度好像把它很多搜索的东西开源了 https://github.com/baidu

比如 https://github.com/baidu/galaxy 类似 g 家的 borg, borg 的相关论文见 http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/zh-CN//pubs/archive/43438.pdf

引用自 http://www.oschina.net/news/69522/galaxy-2-0

我们会将整个支撑百度搜索新架构的组件开源出来,目前已经开源的有, 1、tera分布式表格系统 2、ins 分布式锁 3、sofa-pbrpc rpc矿建 4、galaxy 集群操作系统 一切都在 github.com/baidu ,敬请关注

评论里还有对阿里的嘲讽 @gaocegege


不过想起以前用的 ueditor ... https://github.com/fex-team/ueditor 1.5k issue 最后一次更新是 2015/02 感觉又是kpi驱动的开源的节奏....

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

re @at15 66666

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Support things like a, ctrl+e, defmod-j, ctrl-j k, ctrl-t ctrl-j k, ......

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago


arrowrowe commented 8 years ago
gaocegege commented 8 years ago

红星操作系统(Installation): 朝鲜自家的操作系统

看样子高仿os x,但据说是基于Fedora的。。手动金三胖鼓掌

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago
gaocegege commented 8 years ago

re @at15 https://commandp.com.cn/在这家印过贴纸,棒棒哒

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago
arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

cc @gaocegege @at15

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

cc 觉得npm特别慢的@swaylq

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Yet another Laravel?... cc @at15 @ComMouse @swaylq

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe from Adonis.js

from popular PHP framework Laravel to write scalable applications

truly .... is there any large scale website using laravel ?

at15 commented 8 years ago
arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

re @at15: 这时候需要 @ Rainux......

at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe 感觉 rainux 很少上gh... 基本上看不到他的动态

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

re @at15: see Rainux's Public Activity.

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

cc @at15: 这个以前投过没?...

at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe 没有... 你还不睡, 明天不是要考试, btw: age2 HD 已入正

at15 commented 8 years ago
arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

re @at15: 已经跪着回来了......

at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe patpat ...

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

re @at15: 没关系, 周四周五还要迎战挂科率20%上下的两门课......

LukeXuan commented 8 years ago

fedy fedora装机必备 一键安装flash truetype字体 关闭selinux等。

at15 commented 8 years ago
arrowrowe commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

@arrowrowe 评论里有句话亮了....

qi-gong, practice 30+ minutes everyday. keeps people healthy in developing asian countries with little or no healthcare

at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago