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Weekly for 2016/02/24 #42

Closed arrowrowe closed 8 years ago

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

2016/02/24, 第四循环第三次, 总第二十一期 -> @ComMouse


LukeXuan commented 8 years ago

Kotlin 1.0 1.0版本正式发布

As for the plans, our nearest goals are (apart from bug fixes):

  • Constant performance improvements for the Kotlin toolchain (this includes, for example, incremental compilation in Gradle, that is in the works now);
  • JavaScript support (including cross-compilation into both JVM and JS where possible);
  • Support generating Java 8 byte code with optimized lambdas, etc (Java 6 will be actively supported as long as Android users need it).
gaocegege commented 8 years ago

go-git 一个production ready的git client library,golang的库。

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

npm 混合公共源和私有源.

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Simple Python Version Management: pyenv 好像挺好用? 没试...

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

"在我们拿到 A 轮投资的时候,有人建议我......" --为什么 Coding 不是中国的 Github?

Coding 那篇是之前看 @gaocegege 分享的. 话说, 豆 @ComMouse 觉得不适合的话就不进周报好了...

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

GitHub Shop 买买买

gaocegege commented 8 years ago


arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

From @at15: 前端编辑器

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Wallpaper: Linux Commands Cheatsheet.

Linux Commands Cheatsheet

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

第19期周报预告之后, Go 1.6 is released!

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Superhero.js 似乎是个不错的资源站...... @at15 @ComMouse @LukeXuan 鉴定一下?

Bluemit commented 8 years ago

http://www.yuntongxun.com/?kw=PPQP 容联云通信,可以按条购买SMS推送而且速度快,DEMO可以尝试使用

ComMouse commented 8 years ago

weui 微信团队推出的样式库,为微信量身定制

Bluemit commented 8 years ago

我昨天也看到了weui ,很不错的东西

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Weather for City and its repo

Bluemit commented 8 years ago

推荐一个chrome/firefox插件: Octotree,树形展示 Github 项目代码

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

re @Bluemit Octotree duplicated Weekly/13

at15 commented 8 years ago

@Bluemit weui 已经出来一阵了

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Bilibili Mac Client

看 Rainux star 的, 并没有试过 (因为没有 Mac...)

Bluemit commented 8 years ago

@at15 我看一个项目做的时候用到了这个

at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

里面提到了这篇文章 http://open.qiniudn.com/%5BJoe-Armstrong%5DMaking-reliable-distributed-systems-in-the-presence-of-software-errors.pdf

我至今仍然极度推崇 http://open.qiniudn.com/[Joe-Armstrong]Making-reliable-distributed-systems-in-the-presence-of-software-errors.pdf ,认为那是对我个人了解分布式编程理论的启蒙之作 许式伟

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

iTerm 2 Version 3 Beta iTerm 2新版本,大家都看得到的变化是

A Fresh Look iTerm2 has been updated for the modern Mac OS X "flat" look and is stunningly beautiful.


arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Glances, a cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool written in Python.

at15 commented 8 years ago

zenany weekly has updated https://github.com/zenany/weekly/commit/1c9a4c9060e63d5c52594f2e5ba6429d19785f36

TODO: read and find useful parts

at15 commented 8 years ago
at15 commented 8 years ago

Packer is a tool for creating machine and container images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration

support docker, vbox, vmware, ec2 ..... @gaocegege have a look?

at15 commented 8 years ago

Github extensions

at15 commented 8 years ago

btw: 元宵节快乐~ (没吃到元宵....

arrowrowe commented 8 years ago

Getting Ready For HTTP/2: A Guide For Web Designers And Developers

cc @gaocegege

at15 commented 8 years ago
Bluemit commented 8 years ago

@at15 ics 软院神课?

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

@at15 这门课超神

at15 commented 8 years ago

@gaocegege 这个就是软院ics对应的那个cmu原版?

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

@at15 不出意外是的,就叫这名字,教材是csapp

at15 commented 8 years ago

@ComMouse 小豆记得明天整理weekly :)

tq5124 commented 8 years ago


at15 commented 8 years ago

@tq5124 那不是应该 @紫辰

tq5124 commented 8 years ago


tq5124 commented 8 years ago

@gaocegege 啊软院的这个可以外院选嘛?课号有吗?

at15 commented 8 years ago

@tq5124 可以的,现在第三轮,我上学期选了又退了..... 但是据说lab很多 0.0

at15 commented 8 years ago

@tq5124 任选课 软院 2014级 SE115 计算机系统基础 下

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

@tq5124 这门课我们是学两个学期的,现在可能只有上或者只有下。。一个学期学起来还是有些紧张的

tq5124 commented 8 years ago

@at15 那个是小学期诶。。。19-22周

gaocegege commented 8 years ago

@tq5124 @at15 现在开课很奇葩,有的课是只给工科实验班转过来的同学上的,有的是给原本就是我们学院的人上的,小学期的应该是给工科实验班上的,大概。

at15 commented 8 years ago

@tq5124 oops ... 是补修课....

gaocegege commented 8 years ago


tq5124 commented 8 years ago

@gaocegege 求@,或者微信号?

at15 commented 8 years ago

Cross-platform Linux without the suck


based on interactive nodejs library https://github.com/dthree/vorpal

Node's framework for interactive CLIs. http://vorpal.js.org

I remember nodejs repl can be used programmatically, I don't if vorpal is using it under the hood.

ComMouse commented 8 years ago

Pace 傻瓜式页面加载进度条